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Cleveland Browns (2016 thread of unrelenting dumpster conflagration)

I need the BP cliff notes.. I can't read that [Mark May]
"We suck. We know we suck. We knew we would suck, but not like we actually suck. We sucked yesterday. We suck today. We will suck tomorrow. We will suck next year. We will suck in 2018. But we have a plan to not suck. It is a long term not-suck plan, which will require a great deal of short term suck. And intermediate suck. Hue sucks, worse that we thought he would suck, but he doesn't totally suck, so we are keeping him, no matter how bad we suck. The assistants suck, but whether they pass the threshold of suck is up to Hue, our master of suck. Many of the players suck, but they are young and suck, so eventually we hope they will suck less. And as they play together and suck, maybe we will get a net gain of less suck. But right now, we suck, we know we suck, we embrace the suck, and we will continue to suck."
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"We suck. We know we suck. We knew we would suck, but not like we actually suck. We sucked yesterday. We suck today. We will suck tomorrow. We will suck next year. We will suck in 2018. But we have a plan to not suck. It is a long term not-suck plan, which will require a great deal of short term suck. And intermediate suck. Hue sucks, worse that we thought he would suck, but he doesn't totally suck, so we are keeping him, no matter how bad we suck. The assistants suck, but whether they pass the threshold of suck is up to Hue, our master of suck. Many of the players suck, but they are young and suck, so eventually we hope they will suck less. And as they play together and suck, maybe we will get a net gain of less suck. But right now, we suck, we know we suck, we embrace the suck, and we will continue to suck."
:slappy: dude I'm in tears thanks for that... GPA
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So how many QBs will the Clowns get killed in one season......

Doesn't help Kess holds onto the ball. But that's a rookie for you.

Center needs to be addressed in the worst way. I'm also not opposed to taking another swing man in the middle rounds. Drago is just... not good. Could have an awesome line with a healthy Bito and even slightly above average play from Center. Still don't see a franchise QB coming our way so you damn well better upgrade the trenches on both sides of the ball ASAP.

And now Terrelle is down.
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