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Cleveland Browns (2016 thread of unrelenting dumpster conflagration)

I hope Jackson told Haslam to put his money where Jackson's mouth is with the statement that if other teams are going to beat the Browns they better do it now or something like that.
"Jackson re-emphasized that "this will be the last time that we ever feel the way we feel. I know that in my heart. If you're going to get us, you'd better get us now. I'm not feeling like this next year. No way. Uh-uh.''"
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I hope Jackson told Haslam to put his money where Jackson's mouth is with the statement that if other teams are going to beat the Browns they better do it now or something like that.
"Jackson re-emphasized that "this will be the last time that we ever feel the way we feel. I know that in my heart. If you're going to get us, you'd better get us now. I'm not feeling like this next year. No way. Uh-uh.''"

I do like coach Hue and I've seen some creativity to the offense that indicates a good football mind. It's just when you have a dearth of talent, toss in injuries and youth - all the creativity in the world doesn't matter.

At worst our past draft netted us 3-4 solid contributors in CC, Nassib, Ogbah and Kindred. Given our draft history the last 15 years, that's a pretty big step forward.
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I do like coach Hue and I've seen some creativity to the offense that indicates a good football mind. It's just when you have a dearth of talent, toss in injuries and youth - all the creativity in the world doesn't matter.

At worst our past draft netted us 3-4 solid contributors in CC, Nassib, Ogbah and Kindred. Given our draft history the last 15 years, that's a pretty big step forward.
Hue Jackson is a good coach. He's just saddled with, quite possibly, the least talented roster in NFL history. I do believe if he can get a decent roster, he could turn things around given a few years. I'm not sold that this front office is capable of doing that. Time will tell.
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Hue Jackson is a good coach. He's just saddled with, quite possibly, the least talented roster in NFL history. I do believe if he can get a decent roster, he could turn things around given a few years. I'm not sold that this front office is capable of doing that. Time will tell.
I would love to see this team play the 76 Bucs...that's the only team that would be close
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MKC pens a column yesterday saying Haslam needs to completely rearrange his system next year and hire a "football guy" who was part of some mythical 20/20 club when they started (age in the 20s working for $20,000) and who have worked their way through an organization (see Farmer, Ray). Hilarity has ensued, as she has basically been cooter-punched by almost all of the Cleveland.com comments and by every radio show on The Fan.
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MKC pens a column yesterday saying Haslam needs to completely rearrange his system next year and hire a "football guy" who was part of some mythical 20/20 club when they started (age in the 20s working for $20,000) and who have worked their way through an organization (see Farmer, Ray). Hilarity has ensued, as she has basically been cooter-punched by almost all of the Cleveland.com comments and by every radio show on The Fan.
For those of you who are too lazy to look it up here is the article:

The Browns need to hire a football GM and give him final say over the roster: Mary Kay Cabot

For once in my Browns life, I cannot agree more with MKC. They need to hire a football guy and put Sashi Brown in charge of overseeing the entire organization as president or something like that.
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