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Cleveland Browns (2011 season)

The Browns need to get rid of Holmgren's West Coast offense and install Colt's spread . I feel bad for the defense because they play their guts out and the offensive line is just miserable and Hillis /Hardesty can pack their suitcases and toys and go play somewhere else.
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Hillis apparently reinjured his hamstring again today at practice. I'd love to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I'm not buying it. He's been acting like a prima donna all season long.

I just don't understand why he's being cut so much slack by the fans/media. Well I do, but...
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OH10;2026739; said:
Hillis apparently reinjured his hamstring again today at practice. I'd love to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I'm not buying it. He's been acting like a prima donna all season long.

I just don't understand why he's being cut so much slack by the fans/media. Well I do, but...

he's really not. yahoo had a pretty scathg article about him today.
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OH10;2026739; said:
Hillis apparently reinjured his hamstring again today at practice. I'd love to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I'm not buying it. He's been acting like a prima donna all season long.

I just don't understand why he's being cut so much slack by the fans/media. Well I do, but...
If they give him anything resembling a premier rb's contract, they're even dumber than I ever imagined.
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Yeah it's pretty much at the point where they had best let him walk. It sucks, but at this point, he can't play at all, let alone live up to a giant contract. Of course Hardesty blows out both nuts brushing his teeth too, so we will basically need to start all over at RB...yet again :shake:

I know D'Quell has come back from chronic injuries and played well, but he isn't being paid a king's ransom, and Hillis is more likely to turn out like Pashos with the beating he takes anyway.
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OH10;2026739; said:
Hillis apparently reinjured his hamstring again today at practice. I'd love to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I'm not buying it. He's been acting like a prima donna all season long.

I just don't understand why he's being cut so much slack by the fans/media. Well I do, but...

I don't know that he is around here anymore, he bailed on an appearance for LeCharles Bentley that was highly publicized, and it's not like he's exactly been out there in front of the mics acting like it's killing him not to be able to play. He looks like he doesn't give a shit, acts like he doesn't give a shit, and now people are starting to look at it that way.
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everyone who voted for him to be on the cover of madden can go fuck themselves and start liking the steelers...seriously you have to be a fan of anyone but the browns to actually vote for him to be on that shit...and if your still a non-believer of the madden curse then YOU prove me wrong that its not a curse...this curse shit is worse then just him being hurt...this has gone full blown to where there is not even a possibility that he will be on the browns next year because he is acting like a bitch and all his teammates are fed up with his ass...if you voted for him to be on madden i hope you have like 4 Hillis browns jerseys that are authentic
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I think the Hillis situation can be attributed more to him wanting a new contract than it can to being on the cover of a video game.

Hillis is being a bitch. Is this new injury credible? Maybe, but the fact that it's even being questioned is fucking ridiculous. He's lost himself lots of money because he wants money. Doesn't make sense.
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3074326;2026783; said:
I think the Hillis situation can be attributed more to him wanting a new contract than it can to being on the cover of a video game.

Hillis is being a bitch. Is this new injury credible? Maybe, but the fact that it's even being questioned is fucking ridiculous. He's lost himself lots of money because he wants money. Doesn't make sense.

I heartell Arkansas edumakayshun ain't xactlie strong en da Logik deparhtmant

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3074326;2026783; said:
I think the Hillis situation can be attributed more to him wanting a new contract than it can to being on the cover of a video game.

you can attribute his situation to whatever the hell you want, but the fact is he was on the cover of madden...its pretty simple really
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y0yoyoin;2026793; said:
you can attribute his situation to whatever the hell you want, but the fact is he was on the cover of madden...its pretty simple really

He had 331 touches last year (including receptions). He had 99 in the two previous years combined with Denver. He's probably the most physical runner in the NFL. I'm sure it had nothing to do with those things.
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3074326;2026801; said:
He had 331 touches last year (including receptions). He had 99 in the two previous years combined with Denver. He's probably the most physical runner in the NFL. I'm sure it had nothing to do with those things.

"nope its a curse you're wrong" -BP memeber

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He's being a bitch. He supposedly originally injured the hamstring in the Raiders game. He was standing on the sideline. No stretching. No Mike Hart bike. Just standing there doing nothing about it.

I'm not buying the hamstring injury. I think he's just being a cunt and a new contract (to his liking) would miraculously heal him right up. And I think the whole locker room knows it.
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