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Cleveland Browns (2011 season)

Thirteen years. Thirteen years in and this joke of a franchise is hardly better off that the day it was reborn. A thirteen year, long, painful, slow, deathmarch. How this organization has any supporters left is beyond me.
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Offered without comment...

The Browns have not scored a touchdown this season in the first or third quarters. Read that sentence over again and let it sink in. That means that a) the Browns aren?t capable of executing their offensive gameplan at the outset and b) the coaching staff and players are unable to make halftime adjustments to respond to the opponent?s scheme. If that isn?t a hard and fast strike against the coaching staff, I don?t know what is.


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Several comments:

1. Yes, they are unwatchable
2. They are always just fucking barely good enough to not be in the running for a game-changed talent in the draft
3. Per #3 above, they will not be in the running for Luck, because the Colts completely tanked this year. They will win a Super Bowl again before the Browns. In fact, they will win the Super Bowl again BEFORE THE FUCKING BROWNS WIN A PLAYOFF GAME.
4. 100% agree with the comment above as to how this pathetic franchise has any support left.
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Mike Holmgren :horse:
excellent idea to keep saving all of that money and not signing any free agents. At least a few signing would have made this team bearable but thanks to your brilliant football mind. You're worse than Mike Brown.
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Buckrock;2029613; said:
Occupy Berea anyone? :(

they'd welcome the attention.... Only message that will get through to these guys is the lack of revenue from ticket sales and an empty stadium... sucks to be the players in the situation like this, especially for guys like Cribbs and Haden who seem like they want to be in Cleveland... but until the stands look like a high school game at Ohio Stadium... nothing is happenin
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AuTX Buckeye;2029618; said:
they'd welcome the attention.... Only message that will get through to these guys is the lack of revenue from ticket sales and an empty stadium... sucks to be the players in the situation like this, especially for guys like Cribbs and Haden who seem like they want to be in Cleveland... but until the stands look like a high school game at Ohio Stadium... nothing is happenin
And do you know what would come next? "Cleveland can't support an NFL team". I know that would be beyond ridiculous, but I'm putting nothing past these greedy, incompetent bastards and their soccer-induced stupidity.
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LitlBuck;2029603; said:
Mike Holmgren :horse:
excellent idea to keep saving all of that money and not signing any free agents. At least a few signing would have made this team bearable but thanks to your brilliant football mind. You're worse than Mike Brown.

i completely disagree with this...i think the idea to save money and not overspend on free agents that would maybe win us another 1-2 games is a good idea...are they unwatchable? of course...but if anyone predicted before the season started that we would make the playoffs then please point it out because i think the expectations for this team were between 4-7 wins by most people...Lerner believes in Holmgren so he is not going anywhere soon....nor should he...since returning in 1999 the browns have not let a gm or coach stick around more then 3 years...its time to be patient...we have many glaring needs so this draft and next years FA will be very important
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This team is so goddamned bad, and what makes it even more infuriating is that we're pissing away a handful of high quality players while front offices and coaches try to get their dicks, er heads, out of their own asses. If this team EVER gets good again, it will be after Joe Thomas (LT), Alex Mack (C), Cribbs (ST), Haden (CB), and Rubin (DT) are retired, traded, or significantly on the downside. What a waste of 5 high quality talents with about 20 role players and 28 pieces of crap.
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JCOSU86;2029622; said:
And do you know what would come next? "Cleveland can't support an NFL team". I know that would be beyond ridiculous, but I'm putting nothing past these greedy, incompetent bastards and their soccer-induced stupidity.

yeah... we're SOL either way :(
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