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Cleveland Browns (2011 season)

NFBuck;2019225; said:
That's fair, but Hardesty hasn't exactly wowed this season before Seattle. He looked pretty decent at times against Miami, but he's been very underwhelming overall.

that's fine. but, one would say that it's not a coincidence that every rb cleveland has used this year has been underwhelming, while at the same time, the qb is constantly getting knocked down, but when actually given time, he's generally not accurate.

until you see better play out of the OL, and improvement in the passing game, you could rotate 50 rb's back there and get the same result.
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NFBuck;2019201; said:
That's a very flimsy 3-3...the wins are against winless Indy, Miami, and a terrible Seattle team. I figured 7-9 coming into the season, and think there's a shot they get there, but they've benefitted by playing some truly horrific teams thus far.

The defense has been a (relatively) pleasant surprise, but the offense has taken a step back. I think part of that is that Shurmur has no business taking on OC duties on top of being a HC. I think that was universally panned from the get go, and it certainly appears it was a bad idea.

As for Colt, I'm not sure what to think. He looks pretty damn bad pretty damned often. But, I'm willing to give him a full season under a this offense. They need to get him a legit deep threat, a better OL, and a decent running game to keep defenses honest as well. His arm strength, or apparent lack-there-of is concerning, but in a good WC offense, that isn't really necessary. He definitely needs to improve his reads and accuracy. I guess I just really want to succeed because this 13 year QB carousel is getting old.

Well, I think the thing is that the only reason 7-9 was an option is because most of these teams looked shitty to begin with. I mean, I think so far we've about where we should be, but traded the Cincy game for the Indy game win wise.

As for the drafting... this is the best we've had since we've been back. Actually, I think if we wait a couple years, objectively it will be the best drafting we;ve had... well.. maybe since the 80's who knows. Early 80's. Prior to Mike Junkin. Look, I'm sure somenoe gave them a tip on Hardesty, like kid's never been healthy, but he's a freak. Probably never will be healthy.

Whatever, it's one guy. I don't understand the "Well, we could have taken this dude or that dude" Everyone passed on Tom Brady... at least 5 times. Who gives a fuck who you could have had. That guy might suck here anyway. (Though I always cringe when good drafting teams, especially the Steelers and Ravens take guys I was looking at... but, you can't have everyone)

The reality is... we need more guys, period. (As someone mentioned a couple days ago, no one freaked out when Steinbach went down... but, he is one of our best players) and we're stedily building up solid guys, and now we need some impact guys... that will free up the solid guys to do even more. (Actually, we may have some impact guys, but we need more solid ones)

Regardless, we need more guys and I think it was wise not to blow a pile of cash in FA this year to see a bit more what we have. I think Heckert and Holmgren are the type of dudes that will upgrade any and all the time and unless your name is Joe Thomas... I think you're always getting looked at and the younger group probably needed some more evaluation.

Got some good pick coming up, keep hitting on the #1-3's and get impact players from at least 2 guys in those rounds, we're doing better than the past.

But yeah, back to the week schedule... so what. 3-3... we played the Raiders in the wrong place, the wrong week or we might pull that one out.

Oh, and as for Colt... I don't know. But, the revolving door has to stop. So, go with him or make a major investment some other way. One or the other.
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On Colt: Grossi (everyone's favorite) this weekend said that 3 #1s and maybe a 3rd or 4th (Cleveland's 2 #1s next year, the #1 in 2013, and some extra picks in midrounds next year) might be enough to move up to get Andrew Luck and that he'd "Do it in a heartbeat with zero hesitation". Of course some of that depends on who has the #1 pick, but it sounds like the Cleveland media is ready to toss Colt aside as well. I'm not surprised, he hasn't looked all that good yet, and some of the rooks (Newton, Dalton, etc.) are exceeding expectations thus far. Colt's honeymoon, if he ever had one, is way past over around here.
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Can't sell the farm for one player. Especially when that player (Luck) would have zero weapons around him.

Other QB's with similar talent will come around. Like I've said. Colt isn't the biggest issue with this team. Brady would have trouble behind this OL.

Get a RT & RG. Get a WR. Lets also make sure we're addressing the defense as the CB opposite Haden and OLB are still major concerns. DL depth as well. Do this - and we'll most certainly find out if Colt isn't the long term answer.

His accuracy and touch weren't a big deal when he wasn't getting the shit knocked out of him in pre-season. (I know, I know - its pre-season) That was with a healthy Steinbach and Pashos.

Lack of a deep threat or at least taking shots deep has affected our play execution. Screen's are getting blown up. Rollouts are being sniffed out. DE's aren't biting on play fakes as much. It comes to a point when you have to go vertical on occasion and run the ball effectively. They go hand in hand. Have to address them both.
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McCoy may not be the whole issue, and he may not be the answer either.

However, trading the entire draft for yet another rookie QB who won't have a functional right side of the offensive line or a deep threat will continue the cycle of shitiness.
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Buckeneye;2019320; said:
Can't sell the farm for one player. Especially when that player (Luck) would have zero weapons around him.

Other QB's with similar talent will come around. Like I've said. Colt isn't the biggest issue with this team. Brady would have trouble behind this OL.

Get a RT & RG. Get a WR. Lets also make sure we're addressing the defense as the CB opposite Haden and OLB are still major concerns. DL depth as well. Do this - and we'll most certainly find out if Colt isn't the long term answer.

His accuracy and touch weren't a big deal when he wasn't getting the shit knocked out of him in pre-season. (I know, I know - its pre-season) That was with a healthy Steinbach and Pashos.

Lack of a deep threat or at least taking shots deep has affected our play execution. Screen's are getting blown up. Rollouts are being sniffed out. DE's aren't biting on play fakes as much. It comes to a point when you have to go vertical on occasion and run the ball effectively. They go hand in hand. Have to address them both.

I agree here, I might trade down with our highest #1 next year. We need to quit fucking around and draft some top offensive linemen. It's hard to really access Colt and the running backs when the right side of our offensive line is just terrible.

Adding to my wish list, a stud DE, an above average outside linebacker, and a wide out with burner speed.
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BuckeyeMike80;2019337; said:
^^This or something similar

I really wish there was a Calvin Johnson prototype receiver in this draft.

Floyd might be the closest thing you'll get in this draft. Blackmon is (IMHO) a bit more explosive off the ball. Doubt he has the strength that Floyd has, but his body control and hands are insane.
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Buckeneye;2019336; said:
Don't trade down shit. Take either Blackmon or Floyd then with ATL's #1 we take the best OT we can get our hands on. It starts like that.

Looks like somebody thinks that Blackmon won't be picked by whatever team is one spot ahead of the Browns in the draft.

4-12, 7-9, whatever... I don't know what the Browns record will be, all I know is they will win precisely enough games to miss out on drafting the guy they need most.
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