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Cleveland Browns (2011 season)

y0yoyoin;2029624; said:
i completely disagree with this...i think the idea to save money and not overspend on free agents that would maybe win us another 1-2 games is a good idea...are they unwatchable? of course...but if anyone predicted before the season started that we would make the playoffs then please point it out because i think the expectations for this team were between 4-7 wins by most people...Lerner believes in Holmgren so he is not going anywhere soon....nor should he...since returning in 1999 the browns have not let a gm or coach stick around more then 3 years...its time to be patient...we have many glaring needs so this draft and next years FA will be very important
I guess it boils down to how long are you going to wait until they start signing some quality free agents. There is now a rookie salary cap so we don't have to worry about spending a lot of money in the draft next year. I don't know about most people but I was anticipating 6-7 wins this season based on their schedule. I guess you didn't think going into the season we're going to be better than the Bengals. I certainly did. Said a thing about getting some free agents on board is the post a couple above this one saying that by the time the 5-6 quality players that we do have will be too old to help out you guys that we draft over the next couple years. I did not say to get rid of Holmgren but I just thought that we would look a lot better this year with Holmgren and his boys running the show.
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GeorgiaBuck2;2029687; said:
You guys should take the WR from South Carolina. He'll be available and he looks like a beast. You do have 2 first round picks next year...

have you seen alshon jeffrey lately? he looks like he's on the lendale white fitness plan. he'll be a 2nd rounder by the time the draft comes.
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This team is bad, very bad. Then again so were the Bungles last year.

Find identity on offense. I never liked the Shurmur hire - obviously Harbaugh would have been nice to have. A hard assed mentality - run game, special teams and defense. AFC north material. But we went with the guy that throw's 3 consecutive times inside the 5 while having a healthy Hillis :(

As bad as things are and have gotten. An offseason can be a miracle to fix them. An infusion of young talent from the draft at the right positions, plus tossing money at FA (gonna have to be extra to get them to come to cleveland)

With how historically bad Houston, New Orleans & Arizona have been. 2 are enjoying success & the other has a least been do a damn superbowl in the past 5 years. God damnit there has to be something to turn this team around. Starts with the draft.
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Buckeneye;2029967; said:
This team is bad, very bad. Then again so were the Bungles last year.

Find identity on offense. I never liked the Shurmur hire - obviously Harbaugh would have been nice to have. A hard assed mentality - run game, special teams and defense. AFC north material. But we went with the guy that throw's 3 consecutive times inside the 5 while having a healthy Hillis :(

As bad as things are and have gotten. An offseason can be a miracle to fix them. An infusion of young talent from the draft at the right positions, plus tossing money at FA (gonna have to be extra to get them to come to cleveland)

With how historically bad Houston, New Orleans & Arizona have been. 2 are enjoying success & the other has a least been do a damn superbowl in the past 5 years. God damnit there has to be something to turn this team around. Starts with the draft.
The Bungles have gone against popular belief that you build in the trenches and have loaded up on skill position players (many of them with checkered pasts) and it's paying off for them. They have also, apparently, happened upon a pretty damn good young QB. Dalton is going to be very good. So, what do all of those teams have in common? They were loaded at the skill positions: New Orleans (Brees, Bush, stable of excellent WRs/TEs), Houston (Shaub, Foster/Tate/ Johnson/Daniel), Arizona (Warner/Fitz/had Breaston/Doucet). The Browns have a QB who, in fairness, is playing behind a [Mark May] line and has zero talent at the skill positions (well, the TEs are pretty good). But, he hasn't shown anything, to me, that indicates he's a difference maker under center.

In short, the Browns DESPERATELY need help at RB, WR and on the OL. There are pieces (Thomas/Mack) to build on the OL. The DL has some nice pieces too, but there's a lot of work to be done on the defense as a whole. This coming draft needs to lay the foundation for the future. They absolutely need a playmaking WR (Little has shown potential, but is gonna need help), they need LBs, they need another CB. They need a RB. Hillis has worn out his welcome and doesn't fit as a feature back in this offense. Hardesty has looked like a backup when he isn't hurt. They need to be busy in FA too.

As for Shurmur, I never liked the hire either. But, the revolving door needs to stop. They need to have patience with him. First mistake was taking on OC duties as well as HC on a rebuilding team. That was waaaay too much responsibility for a first time HC. They have to go out and find a OC this offseason. If they're married to the WCO offense, then they need to get the pieces in place to run it, because they don't have them right now. Watching this "offense" is no different than watching scUM try to run dickrod's spread with Threet and Sheridan and a shit OL in 2008. I linked a blog post earlier stating that they haven't scored a TD in the 1st or 3rd quarters all season. That is downright shameful and shows a massive failure on this organization from the top-down.
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Get a WR? I don't know if Colt has the arm strength to make any use out of a deep threat. His arm is weak compared to other NFL QBs.

I'm going to spend the rest of this season watching the Lions, after they get to a Super Bowl the Browns will be the last ones left...
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Bobby Hoying;2030024; said:
Get a WR? I don't know if Colt has the arm strength to make any use out of a deep threat. His arm is weak compared to other NFL QBs.
I'm not saying Colt is the answer, but they don't need just a "deep threat". They need a WR that can actually get open. The WCO isn't predicated on a verticle passing game. They need somebody that can get seperation in short-intermediate routes that can catch the damn ball.

But, add the Lions to the above list of teams that have found success by stocking up on talented skill position players.

I'm going to spend the rest of this season watching the Lions, after they get to a Super Bowl the Browns will be the last ones left...
The Texans and Jaguars wave "hello".
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Best Buckeye;2029628; said:
I got a free ride, booze, and ticket to see the game this Sunday, That plus I have never seen a NFL game before.
I'm not sure I want to go.

If you're going to see the Browns then your record of never having been to an NFL game before is still going to be intact. Congrats.:biggrin:
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NFBuck;2029975; said:
The Bungles have gone against popular belief that you build in the trenches and have loaded up on skill position players (many of them with checkered pasts) and it's paying off for them. They have also, apparently, happened upon a pretty damn good young QB. Dalton is going to be very good. So, what do all of those teams have in common? They were loaded at the skill positions: New Orleans (Brees, Bush, stable of excellent WRs/TEs), Houston (Shaub, Foster/Tate/ Johnson/Daniel), Arizona (Warner/Fitz/had Breaston/Doucet). The Browns have a QB who, in fairness, is playing behind a [Mark May] line and has zero talent at the skill positions (well, the TEs are pretty good). But, he hasn't shown anything, to me, that indicates he's a difference maker under center.

In short, the Browns DESPERATELY need help at RB, WR and on the OL. There are pieces (Thomas/Mack) to build on the OL. The DL has some nice pieces too, but there's a lot of work to be done on the defense as a whole. This coming draft needs to lay the foundation for the future. They absolutely need a playmaking WR (Little has shown potential, but is gonna need help), they need LBs, they need another CB. They need a RB. Hillis has worn out his welcome and doesn't fit as a feature back in this offense. Hardesty has looked like a backup when he isn't hurt. They need to be busy in FA too.

As for Shurmur, I never liked the hire either. But, the revolving door needs to stop. They need to have patience with him. First mistake was taking on OC duties as well as HC on a rebuilding team. That was waaaay too much responsibility for a first time HC. They have to go out and find a OC this offseason. If they're married to the WCO offense, then they need to get the pieces in place to run it, because they don't have them right now. Watching this "offense" is no different than watching scUM try to run dickrod's spread with Threet and Sheridan and a shit OL in 2008. I linked a blog post earlier stating that they haven't scored a TD in the 1st or 3rd quarters all season. That is downright shameful and shows a massive failure on this organization from the top-down.

this is definitely not true. cinci has invested quite a bit in making both lines solid to strong units before adding a qb and wr weapons.
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NFBuck;2030025; said:
The Bungles have gone against popular belief that you build in the trenches and have loaded up on skill position players (many of them with checkered pasts) and it's paying off for them.

tsteele316;2030079; said:
this is definitely not true. cinci has invested quite a bit in making both lines solid to strong units before adding a qb and wr weapons.

NFBuck;2030025; said:
But, add the Lions to the above list of teams that have found success by stocking up on talented skill position players.

This is also not true. The Lions found success by building a hell of a DL.
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