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Cleveland Browns (2011 season)

We need a RT in the first round. That is obvious. We also need a RG via Free agency. We need to hope the LG with a years experience stabilizes. With our second 1st round pick we need a playmaker, either WR or RB. We then need a CB, DL, and LB in that order. I would spinkle in a SF, DL and LB via Free Agency.
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Heard Spielman discuss this on the radio and I don't know how I feel about it.

Say the Colts finish with the first pick in the draft...

the Browns have 2 first round picks. Do you offer them the picks for the chance to move up to 1 to draft Luck?
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ysubuck;2031364; said:
Heard Spielman discuss this on the radio and I don't know how I feel about it.

Say the Colts finish with the first pick in the draft...

the Browns have 2 first round picks. Do you offer them the picks for the chance to move up to 1 to draft Luck?

hell yes...even tho 2 first rounders wont be enough...probably have to offer them 2 first round 2012 and your first rounder in 2013 at least...but i dont think the colts will do this...if luck is the best QB of all time in the draft or whatever the talking heads are saying, and the colts front office believes this then there is no reason to not take him...this is the perfect scenario for the colts organization and it kills me that this has pretty much fallen into their lap...peyton manning may never be the same so you plugin luck and in 2 years your back to where you started...who knows he could pull a cam newton and be great his first year...but like i said it makes me sick this happens to the colts...this shit would never happen to the browns
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ysubuck;2031364; said:
the Browns have 2 first round picks. Do you offer them the picks for the chance to move up to 1 to draft Luck?

Probably gonna have to offer more than that brah.
Look at what Atlanta gave you to move up to nab Julio.

For the #1 - you'll likely have to part with next years #1 too and maybe even some defensive players.
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BigWoof31;2031501; said:
Probably gonna have to offer more than that brah.
Look at what Atlanta gave you to move up to nab Julio.

For the #1 - you'll likely have to part with next years #1 too and maybe even some defensive players.

Gladly. It's not like the Browns have a use for them anyway.
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ysubuck;2031364; said:
Heard Spielman discuss this on the radio and I don't know how I feel about it.

Say the Colts finish with the first pick in the draft...

the Browns have 2 first round picks. Do you offer them the picks for the chance to move up to 1 to draft Luck?

I wouldn't burn 2 first rounders even if they took it. He'd be in the same spot Colt is in.Not to mention even though most people think Luck is the second coming there's always a chance that he very well might not be.It would be different if a solid qb would put the browns in pursuit of a superbowl but there are more gaps then just qb.
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powerlifter;2031528; said:
I wouldn't burn 2 first rounders even if they took it. He'd be in the same spot Colt is in.Not to mention even though most people think Luck is the second coming there's always a chance that he very well might not be.It would be different if a solid qb would put the browns in pursuit of a superbowl but there are more gaps then just qb.

The Browns have too many holes to jump at a QB this year. They need to spend this draft filling holes at RB, LB, CB, OL, etc. If Colt still isn't getting the job done next year you can look at a first round QB. Of course look how bad the Colts are without Manning. If one player can turn that bunch into a Super Bowl team maybe they need to go for the QB.
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powerlifter;2031528; said:
I wouldn't burn 2 first rounders even if they took it. He'd be in the same spot Colt is in.Not to mention even though most people think Luck is the second coming there's always a chance that he very well might not be.It would be different if a solid qb would put the browns in pursuit of a superbowl but there are more gaps then just qb.

I agree 100%. I would expect him to not do well for the same reason most of the other qbs have failed in the franchise reboot - not enough playmakers around him. If I were drafting my first two priorities would be a playmaker on offense and one on defense. Then I would work on both lines. This is Cleveland, there are no can't miss prospects at any position that they can't mess up. :paranoid:
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exhawg;2031552; said:
The Browns have too many holes to jump at a QB this year. They need to spend this draft filling holes at RB, LB, CB, OL, etc. If Colt still isn't getting the job done next year you can look at a first round QB. Of course look how bad the Colts are without Manning. If one player can turn that bunch into a Super Bowl team maybe they need to go for the QB.

knowing holmgren's love for franchise QB's and the fact that he never denied almost trading away our 2010 draft for sam bradford, i expect him to fully go after luck in the 2012 draft regardless of what your opinion is on our situation...i will say this...with all this money we are saving on free agency alot of these holes do not need to be filled via the draft...you take the best player available if you do not trade for luck and go from there...but if we do trade away our 2012 draft for luck i will not be dissapointed
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What is said above.

It's foolish to trade away THAT many picks for Luck. Other QB's will come along. Sure Peyton made the Colts go - but look how long it took for him to become that caliber of QB.

Bradford might very well be a damn good QB very soon, but look at his team right now. Pathetic Oline getting him killed, very few play makers on offense outside of an aging Jacking & Lloyd. They still have tons of concerns on defense including arguably the worst secondary in the NFL.

Lets give McCoy a chance to prove he can't hack it when he actually has a competent team around him. Then you get your franchise QB or developmental QB.
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