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Cincinnati Bearcats (Juggalos official thread of Faygo)

Quoting Buckgolf:
"Ohio State University:
State Funding for Student Instruction: $342,015,847
Students from Ohio: 41,590 (48,061 counting branches)
Money per Ohio Student: $8,224 ($7,116 counting branch students)

University of Cincinnati:
State Funding for Student Instruction: $160,294,129
Students from Ohio: 34,803
Money per Ohio Student: $4,606"

The per-student outlay is a deceiving stat. In undergrad situations students pay the same in tuition regardless of the course. Thus a college "makes money" on education and liberal arts undergrad students and spends that extra money on engineering and science undergrad students. Likewise grad programs for teachers and social workers - professions where there is a mandated need for post grad work - make money that gets spent at med schools and law schools.

Just guessing, but the number of advanced degree programs probably plays a huge part in "how much each school pays out per student." If I'm correct, this would explain much of the gap between UC and OSU.

Note: saw the use of Cleveland State in some comparisons. Wonder how Case - Western fits into the picture. At one time Case - Western Reserve was a strong center for research and med.
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@ORD_Buckeye has someone new to troll on Twitter....

Former Chipotle manager now TV reporter.
I work at @WTVM.
@UofCincy '15 ΣΝ. #livingthedream

Burrito boy and local television talking head. Not exactly two professions known for deep thinking.

I'd love to see what those programs are! How many of them are things like Ono's infamous "top 10 online program in taxation" tweet? How many of them are small, niche areas where there may not even be 50 programs ranked. What matters are core academic disciplines and the professional schools. I've posted where UC stands.

JuggalOno, however, is an absolute master of tapping into the Cincy metro resentment and superiority complex towards the rest of the state. He tells them that, all outside evidence to the contrary, they're better and they DESERVE MORE, and they eat it up.
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Note: saw the use of Cleveland State in some comparisons. Wonder how Case - Western fits into the picture. At one time Case - Western Reserve was a strong center for research and med.

I thought about putting Case in just for comparison's sake. In a nutshell, they're better than Ohio State in Biological Sciences. Roughly equal in Engineering. Significantly behind in Physical Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences according to both NRC and USNWR.
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If JuggalOno was truly serious about "collaborating" and making a more rational and structured University System of Ohio, he would be proposing two things.

First, that the concept of multiple flagships or co-flagships is both ridiculous and a non-starter. Instead, he would honestly address the fact that Ohio opted for the Illinois/Wisconsin model of a singular flagship rather than splitting it into an A&S and A&M school such as Michigan or Virginia as well as noting that a hierarchy exists even in the states that opted for the latter option. That boat sailed 150 years ago, and the leadership of Cincinnati eagerly agreed to it in exchange for the right to found a municipal university called Juggalo State. Instead, he would state a case for separating UC from the MAC schools not as a co-flagship but as a secondary research university: the VaTech to our UVA. He'd stop fanning the flames down there and trying to convince Cincinnatians that UC could be Berkeley, Chicago and Oxford all rolled into one were it not for selfish Ohio State.

Second and in pursuit of that goal, rather than attacking Ohio State and trying to lessen it, he would address all the ridiculous programs that spread like wildfire around the state in the 60s and 70s. Why does Ohio fund 7 doctoral programs in Physics and History, when none of the non-OSU programs can even come close to sniffing a top 50 ranking? Why do we have 6 public MBA programs that are unranked? Five public law schools when only two of them are significant in any way? That dilution of resources for programs worse than UC's is what's really holding UC back from being better. If we reduced some of this ridiculous redundancy, and focused resources on the two or three best programs in the state in a given field wouldn't that actually create a stronger system for Ohioans and a more efficient one for its taxpayers? But that would be hard. That would mean he might actually have to lead! That might mean The Other State University Presidents might get mad at him and refuse to take selfies with him for his twitter account. Nope, that's not JuggalOno's way. He'd rather rally all the other schools around his quest to take down big, bad Ohio State in the hopes that UC might rise up in its place. He'd rather engage in self-entitled empire building to build up his resume and his little cult of personality down in Cincy even if it were to set the Ohio system back 40 years. That's JuggalOno's way!
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I think the Big 12 may have delusions of luring a school away from another conference. Just think how much better the conference would be if they could have kicked out Texas and kept Colorado, Texas A&M, Missouri, and Nebraska. This is why the B1G (or anyone else) should never let Texas join. They are a cancer that will eventually destroy the Big 12.

Yeah Texas is bad but in the SEC/B1G they would neutered as they they wouldn't have a voting block. The first time Texas came up and said something expecting everyone to bend their will and the SEC/B1G said shut up and if you don't like it take your ball and go home would be a sight to see. The idea is that a good locker room that won't put up with their bullshit could reform them. It might, it might not. But they could not break the B1G or SEC and would be kicked to the curb if they kept up their ways.
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I think the Big 12 may have delusions of luring a school away from another conference. Just think how much better the conference would be if they could have kicked out Texas and kept Colorado, Texas A&M, Missouri, and Nebraska. This is why the B1G (or anyone else) should never let Texas join. They are a cancer that will eventually destroy the Big 12.
I disagree. UT is like the kid whos a bully at a small school(that being the Big 12). UT knows that they can bully the kids/schools like Iowa St, Kansas, Kansas St, Ok St, etc. And they know they can't bully OU, but they can everyone else in conference. UT joining the B1G would be then the bully entering a bigger school, where the kids are bigger and no one will pay attention to their bullying ways, because the bullies at this school are even bigger and have absolutely no problem punching them in the nose. I'd be all for UT joining the B1G, imagine the recruits OSU would have even more of an in on, if UT were to join. If the scenario you spoke about happened, the Big 12, would've been even more of a laughingstock.
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Puffery | Definition of Puffery by Merriam-Webster
Definition of puffery. : exaggerated commendation especially for promotional purposes : hype.

fluffery definition | What does fluffery mean?
fluffery definition. fluffery is a much more polite, and woman friendly replacement for the common insult, douchebaggery. "fluffery" was devised after an insightful ...
fluffery - definition and meaning - Wordnik
Palin also called for the elimination of National Public Radio and the National Endowment for the Arts, calling them "fluffery." Sarah Palin turns Obama's 'Win the ...
Fluff | Definition of Fluff by Merriam-Webster
1 :down 1. 2 : something fluffy <dandelion fluff>. 3 : something inconsequential. 4 : blunder; especially : an actor's lapse of memory. See fluff defined for ...
fluffery definition in Urban Dictionary
May 25, 2016 - fluffery definition: Fluffery is an infinitely more courteous, and girl friendly alternative to the typical insult, douchebaggery. "Fluffery" ended up ...

I don't know, depends upon what your meaning of is is.
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Comparing just UC to the MAC schools in undergraduate disciplines, by my count, it's UC 14, entire MAC 8, with 3 subjects where neither was ranked. For graduate programs, it is UC 5, MAC 2 (counting both CSU and OU in public affairs). I think that puts UC well ahead of any single MAC school in Ohio.

It might make UC the best of the bunch, but it definitively shows that UC is much more similar to the MAC schools than they are to Ohio State or other Big Ten universities. The tallest midget still gets tossed.
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