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Cincinnati Bearcats (Juggalos official thread of Faygo)

It might make UC the best of the bunch, but it definitively shows that UC is much more similar to the MAC schools than they are to Ohio State or other Big Ten universities. The tallest midget still gets tossed.

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You can't make this [Mark May] up. Found it on a juggalo board.

Is it an analog or digital meter that this needle is on? I mean technically analog driven needles will move with even the smallest of changes.

It's a shame you took your ball and went home from Shaggy. The UC talk brought out one of the faithful, he's fellating Eastbound & Woad further adding to their circle jerk.

That endless expansion thread is always a gold mine for various schools trying to fellate the shit out of Texas.
Boise State, BYU... even some FSU alums got in on the act about how the B1G conspires against ACC and others to keep them out of AAU and get all their undeserving schools... nevermind it was Wisconsin and scUM that got Nebraska kicked out. Or that the lowest ranking B1G members in Fed research dollars are in the 50s-60s ... right where you'd expect them to be.
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I love the desperate denials that there are any underlying issues with their conference.

The SWC fell apart...Arkansas, Nebraska, Texas A&M Missouri, Colorado all left for greener pastures. Oklahoma tried to jump ship twice (and failed because nobody would take them) but the B12 is str0nk!

Edit: Forgot to add "Not only is it str0nk, it's so str0nk that it might poach teams from the Pac!"
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I love the desperate denials that there are any underlying issues with their conference.

The SWC fell apart...Arkansas, Nebraska, Texas A&M Missouri, Colorado all left for greener pastures. Oklahoma tried to jump ship twice (and failed because nobody would take them) but the B12 is st0nk!

This is why I'm not that worried about whether UC gets into the Big 12 or not. If we do, the conference will probably just fall apart around us anyway, and we'll end up back with Mohammet, Jugdish, Sidney and Clayton in whatever leftovers conference emerges from that train wreck.

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This is why I'm not that worried about whether UC gets into the Big 12 or not. If we do, the conference will probably just fall apart around us anyway, and we'll end up back with Mohammet, Jugdish, Sidney and Clayton in whatever leftovers conference emerges from that train wreck.


Probably back to the AAC. Just like their temp move to the Big Easy before that conference imploded.
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I'm not sure OkSt, TTech are as safe as they were 10 years ago. If OU goes East to SEC or B1G... OkSt likely gets left behind.
Baylor is about guaranteed to get left in the dust too... small alumni, historically insignificant, utterly unremarkable w/o Briles, and looking like a pariah at this point. I doubt PAC touches them with a 10' pole and SEC can only fit 2 more... Baylor is far down that list. Even Houston would be more attractive at this point.
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I'm not sure OkSt, TTech are as safe as they were 10 years ago. If OU goes East to SEC or B1G... OkSt likely gets left behind.
Baylor is about guaranteed to get left in the dust too... small alumni, historically insignificant, utterly unremarkable w/o Briles, and looking like a pariah at this point. I doubt PAC touches them with a 10' pole and SEC can only fit 2 more... Baylor is far down that list. Even Houston would be more attractive at this point.
Texas and Oklahoma are safe. Kansas probably finds a landing spot. I think the rest end up in a 14 team conference with Houston, Memphis, UC, UCONN, SMU, USF and UCF.
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I believe Texas truly wants to make sure they have a flunky along to help boost their influence. That's why I think Tech gets the lifeline.

Oklahoma & the Cowboys may not be politically tied together but I wouldn't be surprised if the Pac eventually gives in and takes both in order to get Texas (with Tech). I know the power that be in Austin stated that if they do move it will be east, but there has been interest with the Pac for a long time. Just depends on how much influence the academic ends up having.

Of course I wouldn't be surprised if Tech & OkSt get left behind either.

Either way I think SMU might get passed over in a conference that already has several Texas schools.
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I believe Texas truly wants to make sure they have a flunky along to help boost their influence. That's why I think Tech gets the lifeline.

Oklahoma & the Cowboys may not be politically tied together but I wouldn't be surprised if the Pac eventually gives in and takes both in order to get Texas (with Tech). I know the power that be in Austin stated that if they do move it will be east, but there has been interest with the Pac for a long time. Just depends on how much influence the academic ends up having.

Of course I wouldn't be surprised if Tech & OkSt get left behind either.

Either way I think SMU might get passed over in a conference that already has several Texas schools.

Texas is going to have bigger things to worry about if Trump deports half their fanbase.
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