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Cincinnati Bearcats (Juggalos official thread of Faygo)

Notice that he's not leaving for Toronto or McGill. Still no AAU for poor, poor JuggalOno.

He promised his lemmings that he'd stay there for ten years. Watch him spin this shit and try to blame the unfairness of the state system and bid, bad Ohio State for forcing him to move on. The man's a cheap grifter, and he's going to grift to the very end.
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Notice that he's not leaving for Toronto or McGill. Still no AAU for poor, poor JuggalOno.

He promised his lemmings that he'd stay there for ten years. Watch him spin this [Mark May] and try to blame the unfairness of the state system and bid, bad Ohio State for forcing him to move on. The man's a cheap grifter, and he's going to grift to the very end.



“[I am] thrilled to sign a contract to remain at UC for 10 more years as its president. Who would ever want to leave the #HottestCollegeinAmerica?” Ono said in a tweet.
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Reading the juggalo boards, he's convinced them all that AAU and B12 membership are right around the corner. For such a shameless self-promoter, don't you think he'd stay around to bask in the glory of his triumphs were this reality. Instead, I think he's out the door before all his big talk comes crashing down around him. A good grifter always knows when it's time to get out of town.
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