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Cincinnati Bearcats (Juggalos official thread of Faygo)

Ono: Ohio needs more flagship universities
Jun. 6, 2013 5:05 PM

Nonetheless, I think there is an important point that arises from the dialogue that has followed the release of Gordon’s comments. In short, that point focuses on the benefits of moving away from a single flagship model for our university system toward one where there is strategic support for multiple flagships.

multiple flagships...? so... like a participation award then?

This goes well beyond distributing funding for state support of instruction. It would involve a commitment to strategically grow a subset of our universities to be “best of class” in defined fields.

an interesting argument... so who decides what university gets which defined field? does a college have to give up a defined field it is already the "best in class" for to another "sister flagship"? how does that occur? does university A have to repurpose/demolish facilities and or release professors to college B? what is university A's incentive to decrease its reputation/ability to pass on knowledge for an entire field? how is that a win for anyone exactly?

oh and speaking of financial distribution to collegiate instruction. does that mean uc would prefer a system in which each "sister flagship" only receives financial support from their immediate surroundings? so instead of giving one particular college the largest slice of the ohio pie, but rather divide the state into collegiate districts and split their funding that way?

Seems to me that any President would argue on behalf of his University. He should be criticized for not pursuing this issue.

criticized for arguing on behalf of their university for the betterment of said university? of course not. criticized for making an argument which bases its conclusions on "my university will never be better than yours on it's own so your abilities should be restricted so my university looks better by comparison".... perhaps they should be criticized for making such an argument.

further, im not certain i understand why intercollegiate sports are brought up repeatedly.
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The fundraiser held by 1N5, a nonprofit working to address teenagers' mental health problems, raised more than $115,000.

Ono said that he would have been "petrified" to tell his story when he was younger, but is now speaking from a "stronger station" in life.

"For the last 25 years, I've been symptom-free," he said. "A big part of the balance in my life is that I have a loving family, and they're there for me, even though I have stressful life."

Conveniently ignored was the good that ONO did in addressing the mental health issues, and the funds raised.

A handfull of you would condemn Mother Teresa for her charitable work, unless she had a buckeye on her Sari.

As to ORD, found that you've been seen wide-eyed at Cubs games....
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The fundraiser held by 1N5, a nonprofit working to address teenagers' mental health problems, raised more than $115,000.

Ono said that he would have been "petrified" to tell his story when he was younger, but is now speaking from a "stronger station" in life.

"For the last 25 years, I've been symptom-free," he said. "A big part of the balance in my life is that I have a loving family, and they're there for me, even though I have stressful life."

Conveniently ignored was the good that ONO did in addressing the mental health issues, and the funds raised.

A handfull of you would condemn Mother Teresa for her charitable work, unless she had a buckeye on her Sari.

As to ORD, found that you've been seen wide-eyed at Cubs games....

That's a horrible example, as Mother Theresa was a terrible human being. She was a sadist and thought pain brought the people in her "care" closer to god.
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The fundraiser held by 1N5, a nonprofit working to address teenagers' mental health problems, raised more than $115,000.

Ono said that he would have been "petrified" to tell his story when he was younger, but is now speaking from a "stronger station" in life.

"For the last 25 years, I've been symptom-free," he said. "A big part of the balance in my life is that I have a loving family, and they're there for me, even though I have stressful life."

Conveniently ignored was the good that ONO did in addressing the mental health issues, and the funds raised.

A handfull of you would condemn Mother Teresa for her charitable work, unless she had a buckeye on her Sari.

As to ORD, found that you've been seen wide-eyed at Cubs games....

By personalizing your argument to an attack on ORD, you draw attention to your own shortcomings.

What ORD has is a good memory of what happened when a foolish Ohio governor bought into the "spread the money our way" arguments of the lower-tier Ohio schools. Kellogg a great MBA program for marketing? Look how many of their senior faculty and emeriti either taught or got their doctorates at Ohio State. In the 1960s, the American Marketing Association quoted The Ohio State University's definition of marketing as its own. The great Frank Bass who pioneered the Big Data modeling we do today? He was at Ohio State then. So was the great Harvard Business School thought leader Theodore Leavitt. Bob Buzzell and Bradley Gale's Harvard Business School PIMS project that revolutionized measurement of the performance-effects of strategy? That journey started at Ohio State. Top school for logistics? Top school for retailing? Ohio State. Where Jay Barney proposed the resource-based view of the firm? Home to the top international business thought leader, Oded Shenkar? Where the conference was held in which the science of consumer behavior was born? Business school where consultants worked with local firms to pioneer the bar code and the first ATM machine, credit card (Visa), private email (Compuserve), interactive cable TV (Qube), bank by phone, money market funds...Ohio State. In psychology, Ohio State was home to the great George Kelley, Harvard's JB Rotter called it home, OSU Press published books by Abraham Maslow, Harry Stack-Sullivan, Carl Rogers and others came to spend time. Why did OCLC become a global leader in library information technology? Why did Chemical Abstracts put the world's leading chemical reference site near that campus?

Think of all the wealth that intellect created in Columbus. Think what it did for businesses there. Think how it made Columbus the third leading center for research in the world.

Ohio State has never really fully recovered from when the money was pulled out of programs with little thought or rationale by a complete idiot of a state government on political grounds. All because a handful of pigs wanted to line up at the trough for "their share". When Ohio State built their own stadium, the pigs wanted state money to build one too, as their share. When Ohio State built an athletics powerhouse and filled seats to see it, the little piggies asked for more subsidy because so few came to watch their teams, for their share. There is nothing new about the inane stupidity that comes out of Ono's mouth.

I have friends that teach at Cincinnatti. There are respected people on this board that teach at Ohio U or some of the Kentucky schools. I have close friends teaching at Penn State and TSUN. I am quite able to separate the individuals from the institutions and to keep sporting rivalry in perspective. OK, screw TSUN, but I am human.

I would not dream of disparaging Ono because of his mental health problems in the past or his efforts to raise this funding--but let's be honest--he has taken every attempt to attack Ohio State in an effort to raise funds and done nothing of consequence to build the intellectual capital or athletic capital of his university. I'm glad he got his money, but if a university president in the city with P&G can't do better than $115,000, then maybe he should step aside and let someone capable do the job.
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This appears to be a straw-man argument, and a weak one at that. As Fungo Squiggley pointed out, no one here has condemned Ono for his admission that he has struggled with depression. Moreover, Ono's involvement in raising money for mental health issues is not relevant to the discussion of any of UC's athletic teams, the University as a whole, or the amount of state funding UC receives. As a UC alumnus, I find your trolling of an OSU board neither welcome nor helpful.
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