You're right, and some of those religions are "American" or whatever you want to label it. W's invasion of Iraq was more about eliminating opposing & threatening belief systems (just more political than religious) and converting them to our own. It also has similar power & greed overtones hidden behind the banner of righteous justice and a clear divergence from certain core principles.No one acted like "every religious person supports killing and death" anywhere in this thread. Such an assertion wouldn't be any more truthful than suggesting every German supported Jewish extermination in WWII.
However, the unfortunate fact is the violent events Cinci listed had their origins in religion, and millions have died as a result of them. There are currently over 25 nations living with religious-based violence, as people kill each other arguing over whose God is the real God. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so deadly.
That's why I brought up the american flag, because it elicits that sense of distaste with many around the world, even a number within this own country (perhaps not the flag for most, but conduct done under its banner).
Just like the original point of this thread, religion becomes larger than the root of the problem - humanity. Positions of power lead to corruption with and without religion.
Tim Tebow would still be a great competitor and leader if Jake had talked him out of his faith down in Glendale. OSU would probably still have had chemistry & toughness issues even if they were ones to ridicule religion.