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Cavs 2010-11 season (official thread)

NJ-Buckeye;1879532; said:

The Baron could get back to the level he used to be


The next two draft picks are superstars


The exception is parlayed into an exceptional player

Toss in... we still have Hickson, Varejao, Eyenga, Sessions and Gibson
Plus Harangody

and I'm getting happier by the minute...
Add a stud as a center (Oden?)
and we're back

Plus there's a lot of good draft picks stocked up for the next 3 years

The one blessing is, the Cavs will have no misgivings about trying to take the best player available. It's unfortunate, but we need players at every position. Someone recently pointed out that, the Cav's team was built with support players for Lebron.
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in case anyone missed seeing jamisons fractured pinky finger

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bunch of baron davis stuff


Cleveland Cavaliers' Baron Davis likes Cleveland, misses his grandmother in Los Angeles

CLEVELAND, Ohio ? It's not that Baron Davis didn't want to come to Cleveland. Despite what you might have heard, the point guard likes this gritty Midwestern town just fine, and he's eager to play in front of the passionate Cavaliers fans he has seen while watching two games from the sidelines. It's just that Davis didn't want to leave Los Angeles. Would you? In L.A. there's acting and producing, Blake Griffin's monster vertical leap, Hollywood parties, old high school pals like Kate Hudson and Cash Warren, his older sister, lifelong friends, the South Central neighborhood, where he grew up on 85th Street, and his ailing grandmother -- the woman who raised him, made him who he is, and shaped his very core and every belief.
L.A.'s home, and it always will be for Davis. But he also knows changes and new beginnings sometimes are necessary to achieve your goals, and often the greatest satisfaction in life comes from proving everyone wrong.
"There's a lot of doubters and people saying I don't want to be here, I want to quit, I'm going to give up," Davis said Thursday. "That's more motivation to just put a sock in everyone's mouth."



Baron Davis knows he has a lot of nonbelievers.

He wants to desperately prove them wrong.

Davis will make his Cavaliers debut at 7:30 tonight against the New York Knicks at Madison Square Garden. Davis, 31, has missed the previous three games since being traded from the Los Angeles Clippers on Feb. 24.

Davis said he doesn't pay a lot of attention to what's being said in the media, but his mother sure does.

She informed him what everyone was saying after the trade.
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that was a fun game to watch...samardo samuels has been beasting the past 2 games and it was awesome to see samuels and hickson talking shit to stoudamire the entire game...and baron davis looked good as usual...as long as this guy is motivated he is awesome...lets see how long the fun lasts in cleveland with him....too bad we didnt have him 3 years ago with the whore from akron
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After watching this rwam this season, I'm convinced Byron Scott is the right guy for the job. They started off terribly in the first half of the season, had all those injuries, and I thought Scott was going to lose them. But with the way they're been playing lately, extremely short handed, I have to take my hat off to Coach Scott. He has a talent deficient, injury laden team playing with the best teams in the league on a consistent basis.

Also the work he has done with JJ has been great. I think the story of JJ and Byron has been representative of how the season has been. JJ started pretty well, then was awful and was in the doghouse. Then he responded to adversity and now is playing well on a consistent basis.

That being said about the Cavs playing well, lets not play too well and play ourselves out of the #1 pick.

One more thing. :slappy::slappy::slappy::slappy: @ Miami and Queen James' lack of clutch play.
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this is one reason why the cavs made this trade for baron if anyone still believes it was a bad trade...baron knows his only way out of cleveland is to be in shape and motivated to do well next season


Report: Cavs could move Baron Davis again next season (if there is a next season)
Matt Moore
Mar 13, 2011, 1:00 PM EDT

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The Cavaliers put quite a bit of extra salary into Baron Davis at the deadline, mostly to acquire the Clippers? first round pick. But Davis is still a capable player when motivated, and could be a veteran difference maker on an up and coming team, if the Cavs really had anyone who was up and coming besides maybe J.J. Hickson and Christian Eyenga. But a report from the Akron Beacon-Journal suggests that Davis may not around to be a difference maker for the Cavs.
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3074326;1898079; said:
From the Cavs' Twitter:


EDIT: NVM it's about Joe Tait returning to announce. Happy for him returning after a bad case of pneumonia that required surgery, but also a bit disappointed that this is BREAKING NEWS regarding the Cavaliers.
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I don't care if the Cavs win another game this season, but I want them to win tonight. Lebron thinks that the crowd can't be worse than the last time. I hope they prove him wrong. I hope Baron Davis throws in 50 and Lebron tears up his knee so bad that he can never jump again. I hope Hickson plays against Bosh like he does against Blake Griffin and the Heat are left crying in the locker room after the game. I hope this game is the beginning of the end of the season for the Heat and ET knocks them out of the first round of the playoffs. The Cavs need someone at OSU to put together a "Deal with it" video for pregame. Throw in every lie and douchebag move that Lebron ever pulled to whip the fans into a frenzy. I hope the Heat plane crashes into Lake Erie on landing and only Z makes it out alive. Not over it yet. [/rant]
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exhawg;1900297; said:
I don't care if the Cavs win another game this season, but I want them to win tonight. Lebron thinks that the crowd can't be worse than the last time. I hope they prove him wrong. I hope Baron Davis throws in 50 and Lebron tears up his knee so bad that he can never jump again. I hope Hickson plays against Bosh like he does against Blake Griffin and the Heat are left crying in the locker room after the game. I hope this game is the beginning of the end of the season for the Heat and ET knocks them out of the first round of the playoffs. The Cavs need someone at OSU to put together a "Deal with it" video for pregame. Throw in every lie and douchebag move that Lebron ever pulled to whip the fans into a frenzy. I hope the Heat plane crashes into Lake Erie on landing and only Z makes it out alive. Not over it yet. [/rant]

Eh, I just don't feel that way anymore. Lebron is the past; would love to beat him; certainly want him to lose; and wouldn't be sad if he got hurt. But he is the past and we can't move forward until we get over it and move on.
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OH10;1900323; said:
Eh, I just don't feel that way anymore. Lebron is the past; would love to beat him; certainly want him to lose; and wouldn't be sad if he got hurt. But he is the past and we can't move forward until we get over it and move on.
C'mon, OH, you know that we fans have absolutely 0 effect on whether the Cavs improve or not. Not that I don't agree with the "get over it for your own good" thing and all, but how I feel and the emotions I and other fans have from LeQuit do not impact whether the Cavs get better one bit.
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