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Cavs 2010-11 season (official thread)

The right picks this draft could make this team quite competitive next season. As for the attendance numbers, it sure seemed like the place was more than 75% full many of the games. I think after the horrid mid-season run (what was it, something like 1-36?) the fans will really appreciate and fully embrace even a "just decent" team.
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I think the fans realize this is a rebuilding franchise right now. They are definitely more willing to support the team and front office after what everyone has gone through over the last 8months. I can see fan attendance remaining "decent" this year and next. If by year 3 we don't start showing some real improvement the fans will be more reluctant to come out and support the team by forking out money.
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MililaniBuckeye;1900976; said:
The right picks this draft could make this team quite competitive next season.

That is what I am afraid of... wish this could be the case

exhawg;1900875; said:
That's probably one reason it was so important to get a second lottery pick this season. If they can add 2 good young players they might be on the up swing next year, although I would prefer another season of suck and the hope that they can move Barron Davis for another first round pick next year. Give me the best two available for the players available now and Sully next year. The Q will only average half full at best next year, but if they make the right moves they could be back in the playoffs with room to grow in 2-3 years. I would love to see the Cavs be better than the Heat in 3 years when the Cavs have a bunch of good young players and the Heat have nothing but the 3.

I am thinking along exhawg's line of reasoning. Get two good young players this year then next year get a high draft pick that can give us an elite level player. That was the problem with LeBron, we got too good too quickly and couldn't surround him with another high draft pick.

Does anyone know if there could be an elite talent available in next year's draft? This is where I disagree with Exhawg, I really don't want Sully as I don't see him as an elite NBA talent that can carry a team.
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y0yoyoin;1904168; said:
i think we could win the rest of our schedule and still be guaranteed a top 4 pick

I just want the most ping pong balls. I'm holding out hope that the Cavs hit the lottery and get 2 picks in the top 5. With some of the big names staying in college for another year it could hurt this years draft.
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