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Cavs 2010-11 season (official thread)


I want Kemba Walker. Dude carried his team through the Big East Tourney, and all the way through the Big Dance. Dude is a winner! With the 4th, I don't care as long as it improves. Enes Kanter? Perry Jones? Both would be productive additions!
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Byron Scott definitely needs a PG to run his offense.
Seems like Kyrie Irving is a must get with #1.

Would love to get a PF with #4 maybe Derrick Williams will still be available,

if not could go big with either Enes Kanter or Jonas Valanciunas.
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MililaniBuckeye;1923580; said:
OK, which two to take?

If they think Irving is the next Chris Paul and head and shoulders better than Knight and Walker then go that way. If not take Williams and get one of the other PG's with the 4. I don't think any of the bigs interest me enough for these picks. They have time to develop the PG with Davis and Session already on the team.
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TooTallMenardo;1923587; said:

I want Kemba Walker. Dude carried his team through the Big East Tourney, and all the way through the Big Dance. Dude is a winner! With the 4th, I don't care as long as it improves. Enes Kanter? Perry Jones? Both would be productive additions!

I think Kemba would still be available at #4. Why are you suggesting another PF? We have JJ.
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ImFrigginFly;1923592; said:
I think Kemba would still be available at #4. Why are you suggesting another PF? We have JJ.

I'm hearing, Enes Kanter is a Dirk type player, but stronger... :yow1:

And if Kemba is still available at 4, IF they draft Kyrie, no way do they take two guards.
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TooTallMenardo;1923597; said:
I'm hearing, Enes Kanter is a Dirk type player, but stronger... :yow1:

And if Kemba is still available at 4, IF they draft Kyrie, no way do they take two guards.

I think Kanter is more of a banger. Think bigger Sullinger he played him pretty well last summer. Anyone think we try to deal Sessions now with his value high?
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