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Cavs 2010-11 season (official thread)


All for 1. One 4 all. :wink:
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possible #4 selections...and i really like this bismack kid...very athletic

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_SB-ZKAhGM"]YouTube - Bismack Biyombo records a triple-double, dominates the competition at the 2011 Nike Hoop Summit[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zlB5w08_Es"]YouTube - Jan Vesely MIX : The dunking ninja (Czech Basketball Talents)[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YzbhAQGPqk"]YouTube - Enes Kanter 2010 Nike Hoop Summit highlights[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFqK-YXlsHs"]YouTube - Donatas Motiej?nas highlights[/ame]
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haden, cribbs and nick gilbert playing cards on dan gilberts private jet


i have to say ive always loved cribbs passion for everything cleveland but haden has quickly overtaken him...the dude is everywhere in cleveland...love it

and i must say its time like these where i miss windhorst...he would already have every angle the cavs could cover with all their assets and what we could do to improve...whatever mary shmitt boyer has to say i will take with a grain of salt
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"This league has a habit, and I am just going to say habit, of producing some pretty incredible story lines. Last year it was Abe Pollin's widow and this year it was a 14-year-old boy and the only thing we have in common is we have both been bar mitzvahed."
-- Wolves general manager David Kahn


Have to say I agree with him, but Stern gave me Derrick Rose so i'll keep quiet.
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BuckWrestler141;1923738; said:
"This league has a habit, and I am just going to say habit, of producing some pretty incredible story lines. Last year it was Abe Pollin's widow and this year it was a 14-year-old boy and the only thing we have in common is we have both been bar mitzvahed."
-- Wolves general manager David Kahn


Have to say I agree with him, but Stern gave me Derrick Rose so i'll keep quiet.

i agree with you...i think the draft is rigged...but im sure as hell not complaining this time nor was i when gordon gund was at the draft with a lebron james jersey...it was in david sterns best interest to allow the cavs to get better, quickly...cleveland fans are die hard and will sell out if the team is good (usually)...and gilbert is one of the best owners in the NBA...just found this article and i think this proves it

Dan Gilbert has put his money where his mouth is, in a way that is almost unprecedented in the NBA. At the trade deadline, the Cavs traded in-his-prime point guard Mo Williams for prime-rib-loving point guard Baron Davis, who hasn't tried in two years.
The Cavs must pay Davis roughly $29 million over the next two seasons. Williams gets $17 million. (Jamario Moon, who was included in the deal, has a team option of $3.2 million that the Clippers can decline if they choose.) The Cavs also got the Clippers' 2011 first-round pick in the trade.
This means Dan Gilbert spent $12 million for one first-round pick.
He was not done. The Cavs tried to acquire Rip Hamilton from the Pistons for a 2012 first-round pick. Hamilton had fallen so far out of favor with the Pistons that his line in the box score read "DNP-%&!#$!" Hamilton is owed a maximum of $25 million over the next two years. Gilbert didn't care. Hamilton had zero interest in playing for the Cavs. Gilbert didn't care about that either.

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so maybe its not as rigged as i thought and we are maybe just that lucky...apparently there is a process involved and media members are in the room to watch


So Cohen needed to see NBA president of league and basketball operations Joel Litvin pull either a 1 or a 2 out of the Lottery hopper for the Cavs' pick to be the first in the 2011 NBA Draft.
First ball... 14.
Second ball... 13.
Third ball... 7.
Fourth ball... 8.
Cohen quickly flipped through the eight-page list of combinations.
"I was going through the Cleveland numbers and I'm not seeing 14," he said afterward. "I'm thinking 'Oh Lord, this isn't good.'"

But before he could figure out who owned the lucky numbers, it was announced to the room that the 7-8-13-14 combination was one of only 28 that belonged to the Los Angeles Clippers, who traded their pick, along with Baron Davis, to the Cavs in February.
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The player who I absolutely want, but isn't worth a 4th overall pick. Deandre Liggins. Dude is sick, and has a retarded wingspan. The only way they'd be able to draft him, if they traded a player for another top 15 pick, which won't be likely.

6'6" with a 7' wingspan! :yow1:
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akronbuck;1923615; said:
noticed that during the college season. How long did it take \u

Seriously, some folks will complain about winning the fucking lottery because now they have to pay more taxes.

Even if there are no "superstars" available in this draft, we still can be be way ahead of the rest of the teams by picking the best players to fill our needs, and with the #1 and #4 picks, that shouldn't be hard to do. I'd much rather have the #1 and #4 picks in a so-so draft than the #30 pick in a so-so draft...
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so when will the NBA address their CBA issues? Will that help the Cavs if it's sooner rather than later? What kid of cap space will Cleveland have? Is getting two top 5 picks going to break the bank or is it different than the NFL where your rookies don't make more money than every other player.
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What a great night!!! But having #1 and #4 can allow someone to think outside the box.

Is it best to pick the two best players... or, think outside the box and pick the combination of the two best players to make the Cavs the best team possible.

Irving and then whoever they pick at #4 may not be the best combo of players.

I may be one of the few people that think this, but I feel Derrick Williams is the special player in this draft. If he could fall to #4, I would say yeah, you pick Irving & Williams and be happy. But that ain't happening. So, my question is Irving & Kanter/Liggins/Vessey/Bismack/etc better than this combo.... Derrick Williams & Brandon Knight?

Yes, you pick Derrick Williams #1 and then with #4 you pick your PG of the future in Knight.
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WolverineMike;1923812; said:
so when will the NBA address their CBA issues? Will that help the Cavs if it's sooner rather than later? What kid of cap space will Cleveland have? Is getting two top 5 picks going to break the bank or is it different than the NFL where your rookies don't make more money than every other player.

First off, there is salary slotting for draft picks in the NBA. Makes them rather cheap (like $5-$7 million/year)

But the CBA talk is comming after the playoffs are over and during the summer.

How will that help the Cavs? If there is a long lockout that basically kills next season. That means the Cavs would have the 2nd best chance to get the #1 pick in next year's draft as well :biggrin:
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Piney;1923815; said:
First off, there is salary slotting for draft picks in the NBA. Makes them rather cheap (like $5-$7 million/year)

But the CBA talk is comming after the playoffs are over and during the summer.

How will that help the Cavs? If there is a long lockout that basically kills next season. That means the Cavs would have the 2nd best chance to get the #1 pick in next year's draft as well :biggrin:
If only there was a talented, loyal homebody to handle the post in that draft. If that were to happen, I might get back on the NBA wagon.
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