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Cavs 2010-11 season (official thread)

aurorabuckeye13;1923600; said:
I think Kanter is more of a banger. Think bigger Sullinger he played him pretty well last summer. Anyone think we try to deal Sessions now with his value high?

If they take Irving it would be smart to try to get something for Sessions. They still have the trade exception so it would be nice if they could turn that into a player. I just see the biggest hole right now as SF so I think I might be leaning toward Williams and Walker, but it all relies on which PG Scott wants. I trust his eye.
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akronbuck;1923598; said:
this is one of the worse talent wise drafts in a long time and figures the Cavs get 1 and 4 :(

1 and 4 is never a bad thing. Should be getting two starters, even if they aren't unbelievable talents. Irving should be very good, and this offense could use a player like him.
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exhawg;1923614; said:
If they take Irving it would be smart to try to get something for Sessions. They still have the trade exception so it would be nice if they could turn that into a player. I just see the biggest hole right now as SF so I think I might be leaning toward Williams and Walker, but it all relies on which PG Scott wants. I trust his eye.

Irvings the one I like best and he's so young and I like Williams or a big European if they can't trade it for a young good one
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aurorabuckeye13;1923600; said:
I think Kanter is more of a banger. Think bigger Sullinger he played him pretty well last summer. Anyone think we try to deal Sessions now with his value high?

Would be smart... You gotta think Davis will want to stay around after hearing this news...
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starBUCKS;1923665; said:
Chris Ford's updated Mock has them going with Irving and Enes Kanter, that would be very solid IMO.

best case scenario given the talent available. cleveland really needs a wing player, but those aren't around in this draft.

there are some rumors floating about regarding the cavs dealing that #4 for rudy gay. that rumor was for the #8, so I would assume memphis would do it for the #4, although I don't know if the cavs will.
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tsteele316;1923680; said:
best case scenario given the talent available. cleveland really needs a wing player, but those aren't around in this draft.

there are some rumors floating about regarding the cavs dealing that #4 for rudy gay. that rumor was for the #8, so I would assume memphis would do it for the #4, although I don't know if the cavs will.

memphis has came out recently and said they are not looking to trade rudy gay, same with the 76'rs and igudola...but this is all just talk and who knows what could happen...cavs also still have their 16.5 million TPE...so for the draft cavs take irving as a no brainer...scott needs a PG for his offense and now he can mold irving into that...i see no way that williams falls to #4 unless his workouts are so terrible that teams are afraid of him...i see kanter as a real possibility at #4 and a name to look out for is Bismack Biyombo from the congo...hes a F/C who supposedly is really raw but has tremendous upside...although sessions value is as high as it might ever get, i would hate for us to get rid of him considering baron davis is one blowup away from wanting out of cleveland...top that off with hes old and we are left with irving as our only PG...here is a article i found of a first round mock draft with analysis


1. Cavaliers (via Clippers) - Kyrie Irving PG Duke

With some help from owner Dan Gilbert's son, Nick, the Cavaliers turned their trade of Mo Williams for Baron Davis into Davis AND Kyrie Irving by landing the No. 1 pick. I still think they'll take Irving, as he currently looks like the No. 1 pick, hands down. That could change between now and draft day, but my early money is on Irving. He's the best point guard in the draft and while he's not as fast as Derrick Rose or John Wall, he's quick enough to keep defenses honest and is considered by most as the clear first pick this year. The Cavs already have Baron Davis, but he's far from reliable, while his career is also starting to wind down. If they decide to pass on Irving, which seems unlikely at this point, Derrick Williams would be the next logical selection.

4. Cavaliers ? Jan Vesely SF Czech Republic

After taking Irving with the first pick, the Cavs will look for a small forward to get ready to eventually take over for Antawn Jamison. Vesely fits the bill and makes a ton of sense for the Cavs here. Vesely might be a bit of a reach this high, and it's possible the Cavs could take a shooting guard. But No. 4 overall is probably too high for Alec Burks, so it makes sense they'll go with Vesely.
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tsteele316;1923680; said:
best case scenario given the talent available. cleveland really needs a wing player, but those aren't around in this draft.

there are some rumors floating about regarding the cavs dealing that #4 for rudy gay. that rumor was for the #8, so I would assume memphis would do it for the #4, although I don't know if the cavs will.

If they mainly want out of Gay's contract and they were willing to take an 8 this year I'd see if they would go for the Cavs first round pick next year (top 5 or so protected). Maybe throw in some cash as well. If the Cavs do draft Irving it seems like there would be a team interested in Sessions.

This lineup would be a step in the right direction:
Some SG/Eyenga/Harris

If they hold onto Sessions they would probably need to work a three way rotation at PG and SG with Davis, Sessions, and Irving for most of the minutes.
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