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Cavs 2010-11 season (official thread)

scarletngrey11;1904208; said:
Typical Cleveland team outcome.

Suck all fucking year then turn it on in utterly meaningless games and blow draft position.

Just remember, when they won the LeBron lottery they were TIED with the worst record.

Now that they are tied with Minnesota for the worst record, we better not win another game. Cuz god knows Minnesota won't.
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Piney;1904286; said:
Just remember, when they won the LeBron lottery they were TIED with the worst record.

Now that they are tied with Minnesota for the worst record, we better not win another game. Cuz god knows Minnesota won't.

Luckily the Twolves crushed the Cavs when they played this year so we have the tie breaker (I would assume). Unfortunately the Cavs have 2-3 winnable games left if they play well. Hopefully the Bulls beat them tomorrow and then they mail it in for the rest of the season. The way the Cavs go they'll probably end up beating the Bulls at home like they have with the Celtics, Lakers, and Heat.
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every year it seems like the team with the most ping pong balls never gets the first pick...im happy with a top 4 guaranteed pick which the cavs will have even if they win the next 4 games...with the 4th pick we will have a shot to Irving, Derrick Williams, Walker (if he comes out) or Perry Jones...i hope walker comes out because i would consider taking him or Williams with the overall #1 pick
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y0yoyoin;1904324; said:
every year it seems like the team with the most ping pong balls never gets the first pick...im happy with a top 4 guaranteed pick which the cavs will have even if they win the next 4 games...with the 4th pick we will have a shot to Irving, Derrick Williams, Walker (if he comes out) or Perry Jones...i hope walker comes out because i would consider taking him or Williams with the overall #1 pick

Actually if they win the next 4, they are guaranteed the 5th pick. Cuz if Minnesota and Cleveland don't get in the top 3, Minnesota gets the 4th pick.

And in that case, that Clippers pick better have won the lottery to get #1 :biggrin:
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y0yoyoin;1904324; said:
every year it seems like the team with the most ping pong balls never gets the first pick...im happy with a top 4 guaranteed pick which the cavs will have even if they win the next 4 games...with the 4th pick we will have a shot to Irving, Derrick Williams, Walker (if he comes out) or Perry Jones...i hope walker comes out because i would consider taking him or Williams with the overall #1 pick

Most of the mocks I've seen have Walker at the 5 or lower. If the Cavs get lucky they could end up with both Williams and Walker. A lineup of Davis/Sessions/Walker/Boobie at the guards, Williams at SF, and JJ/Andy/Jamison/Hollins at the bigs would be a step in the right direction. I wouldn't be surprised if the NBA season doesn't start until January next year so if Jamison and Davis could come out of the gate strong they might be able to move them for mid to low first round picks next year. I really want another top 5 pick next year to build the base of young players that the Cavs will need to be one of the top teams again.
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Piney;1904344; said:
Actually if they win the next 4, they are guaranteed the 5th pick. Cuz if Minnesota and Cleveland don't get in the top 3, Minnesota gets the 4th pick.

And in that case, that Clippers pick better have won the lottery to get #1 :biggrin:

It would be hilarious if the Cavs pick ended up being #5 and the Clippers pick was #1.
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Tough season, guys, but trust in Grant and Gilbert. They want to win as badly as we all do. Let's see how the offseason goes; we have 2 1st round draft picks and a TPE, plus our 2nd rounders. Plenty of assets to turn into quality players. Then we'll go from there. Going to be a long road (at least 2 years) but we'll be back into major contention.
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Dan Gilbert sending son to lottery

Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert is sending his hero to the NBA lottery next week for good luck.

Like always, Nick Gilbert wants to come through for his dad.

The 14-year-old Gilbert, who was born with Neurofibromatosis (NF), a nerve disorder that causes tumors to grow anywhere in the body, will be on stage in New Jersey next Tuesday, when the Cavaliers hope to land the No. 1 overall pick in June's draft.

"Despite enduring brain surgery, the loss of vision in one of his eyes, four long rounds of chemotherapy and countless visits and time in doctor's offices and hospitals, he has emerged as the happiest and most optimistic person I know," Gilbert said.

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