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Cavs 2010-11 season (official thread)

Buckeye89Fan;1899427; said:

EDIT: NVM it's about Joe Tait returning to announce. Happy for him returning after a bad case of pneumonia that required surgery, but also a bit disappointed that this is BREAKING NEWS regarding the Cavaliers.

Yeah, didn't follow up on that because I didn't think it was the breaking news. Or maybe I was hoping it wasn't. Then I forgot.

Fuck the Heat, by the way. I hope, somehow, the Cavs can get it done tonight..
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One of the best games I have ever watched.

I could give a fuck about Baron Davis, but he has made me a fan for life with his performance and demeaner tonight.

Fuck you Lebron.

Fuck you Wade.

All the talent in the world and you still gotta bitch to the refs every time you get touched.

Fuck the Heat. Hows that for Karma LeBitch.
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scarletngrey11;1900627; said:
All the talent in the world and you still gotta bitch to the refs every time you get touched.

Fuck their little crybaby asses. They (draft class of 2003) ruined the nba for me and a lot of people, so watching them get beat by double digits by the worst team in the league is just beautiful.
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exhawg;1900297; said:
I don't care if the Cavs win another game this season, but I want them to win tonight.

Lebron thinks that the crowd can't be worse than the last time. I hope they prove him wrong.
Bitchmade skipped the intro to make sure he didn't get booed. Crowd seem good all game, but they had something to cheer for tonight.

I hope Baron Davis throws in 50
Not quite, but he was crucial to the Cavs winning
and Lebron tears up his knee so bad that he can never jump again.
There's always the next game.
I hope Hickson plays against Bosh like he does against Blake Griffin
and the Heat are left crying in the locker room after the game.
I hope this game is the beginning of the end of the season for the Heat and ET knocks them out of the first round of the playoffs.
The Cavs need someone at OSU to put together a "Deal with it" video for pregame. Throw in every lie and douchebag move that Lebron ever pulled to whip the fans into a frenzy.
I hope the Heat plane crashes into Lake Erie on landing and only Z makes it out alive.
They still have to fly back
Not over it yet. [/rant]
Getting closer, but I'll be better when they go 7 years with no title especially if the Cavs draft well and are better than the Heat in a few years.

Great win tonight.
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Either there was a misquote or Wade has lost it. After the game in which the Cavs stunned the Heat he said this:

(On the game): "We did a good job. We came out and executed the game plan today and we got another good win."


I wouldn't want to be a fan of that team. :lol:
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JCOSU86;1900724; said:
Either there was a misquote or Wade has lost it. After the game in which the Cavs stunned the Heat he said this:

(On the game): "We did a good job. We came out and executed the game plan today and we got another good win."


I wouldn't want to be a fan of that team. :lol:

Isn't he supposed to be the one that isn't bat shit crazy or was it their goal to get Lebron a triple double and therefore it was a win? Time for a Charlie Sheen motivational speech.
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fanaticbuckeye;1900632; said:
Did I hear that right on NBA TV, the Cavs are third in the league in attendance this year? If so that is awesome.


20k+ per game third in the league. Impressive

98% of all the season tickets were sold before lebron left i think windhorst said...although when watching games it looks like the arena is at least 75% capacity...lets see how many seats we fill next year and that is what will be important
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y0yoyoin;1900847; said:
98% of all the season tickets were sold before lebron left i think windhorst said...although when watching games it looks like the arena is at least 75% capacity...lets see how many seats we fill next year and that is what will be important

That's probably one reason it was so important to get a second lottery pick this season. If they can add 2 good young players they might be on the up swing next year, although I would prefer another season of suck and the hope that they can move Barron Davis for another first round pick next year. Give me the best two available for the players available now and Sully next year. The Q will only average half full at best next year, but if they make the right moves they could be back in the playoffs with room to grow in 2-3 years. I would love to see the Cavs be better than the Heat in 3 years when the Cavs have a bunch of good young players and the Heat have nothing but the 3.
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1/3 of Clevelands victories this year came against the Lakers, Heat, or Knicks. That crazy they could knock off those teams and still only manage what, 15 wins so far? Should be interesting to see what direction this franchise goes in......
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WolverineMike;1900883; said:
1/3 of Clevelands victories this year came against the Lakers, Heat, or Knicks. That crazy they could knock off those teams and still only manage what, 15 wins so far? Should be interesting to see what direction this franchise goes in......

Don't forget the Celtics
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