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Cavs 2010-11 season (official thread)

billmac91;1879153; said:
I think you're missing the point. We aren't trying to compete. The 2012 or 2013 first round draft pick would have been the value.

Gilbert is willing to pay now to build a competitive future team.

Isn't that a wonderful thing? Gilbert willing to spend money to rebuild faster. But then again... he might have some inside info.

Another item about long term bad contracts. I read somewhere that in the new CBA, if it is going to include a hardcap that teams may be able to get forgiveness for one or two bad contracts. And who is one of the owners in the forefront of the new CBA? None other than Dan Gilbert.
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Piney;1879228; said:
Isn't that a wonderful thing? Gilbert willing to spend money to rebuild faster. But then again... he might have some inside info.

Another item about long term bad contracts. I read somewhere that in the new CBA, if it is going to include a hardcap that teams may be able to get forgiveness for one or two bad contracts. And who is one of the owners in the forefront of the new CBA? None other than Dan Gilbert.

What do you mean by forgiveness? And yes, Gilbert is a great owner.
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Baron Davis is expected to arrive in Cleveland on Saturday -- his status for Sunday's home game is unclear.

In fact, Davis' role for the rest of the season is unclear. Cleveland doesn't intend to buy out his contract so it's quite possible that he'll split PG duties with Ramon Sessions, to the detriment of both. On a curious side note, Davis has elected to wear #85 with the Cavaliers.

Source: News-Herald
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Baron Davis posted a message on Facebook on Friday, saying farewell to his former team, and that he's ready to play for the Cavaliers in Cleveland.

"I can't wait to join my new team, bring good energy and help us win games," he wrote. "I'm ready to call The Q home and bring some excitement!!!" Baron is out tonight, but is expected to be with the team on Sunday.

http://www.rotoworld.com/player/nba/1426/ramon-sessionsSource: Baron Davis on Facebook
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exhawg;1879513; said:
His only way out of Cleveland is to create value for himself. If he is fat and unmotivated He gets to spend the next 2.5 years hanging out on the bench in Cleveland.

yep exactly...i think he knows his negativity and apathy is what got him in this mess in the first place...he is not part of our long term future so he will be moved eventually...its just a matter of when...the better he plays the sooner he can possibly get out of cleveland...he does have a really bad contract but theres always a situation where he could be moved...remember how many times larry hughes got traded with his terrible contract?
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The Baron could get back to the level he used to be


The next two draft picks are superstars


The exception is parlayed into an exceptional player

Toss in... we still have Hickson, Varejao, Eyenga, Sessions and Gibson
Plus Harangody

and I'm getting happier by the minute...
Add a stud as a center (Oden?)
and we're back

Plus there's a lot of good draft picks stocked up for the next 3 years
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