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Cavs 06-07 season thread

The way the Cavs wore down the Wizards in Game 1 worked beautifully. Tonight though, it seems like they played to wear them down more than to win, and it has not worked. That's not gonna fly when they play at their place. If they wear down at home, they might find a second wind when the crowd gets behind them, and if the Cavs haven't put them away by that point (as they are apt to do) then it could be a problem.
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The Cavs are going to need to come out strong and play a much better game on Saturday, but they tend to play up or down to their competition so unless Washington really fires on all cylinders the Cavs will hopefully be able to play just well enough to beat them. The Cavs have to scare anyone that they will face because you never know what team you will face. You could face the team that will play down to anyone or you could face the team when everyone is playing well and they are unstoppable. If the Cavs can win the first game in Washington I have a feeling this is going to be a sweep. If they lose the series will probably go 6. This will be the game that Lebron really needs to assert himself and dominate.
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exhawg;821844; said:
The Cavs are going to need to come out strong and play a much better game on Saturday, but they tend to play up or down to their competition so unless Washington really fires on all cylinders the Cavs will hopefully be able to play just well enough to beat them. The Cavs have to scare anyone that they will face because you never know what team you will face. You could face the team that will play down to anyone or you could face the team when everyone is playing well and they are unstoppable. If the Cavs can win the first game in Washington I have a feeling this is going to be a sweep. If they lose the series will probably go 6. This will be the game that Lebron really needs to assert himself and dominate.

I heard Barkley say last night that this series doesnt have the playoff feel to it...Well I just think that we are exerting that playoff energy, one b/c while we were there last year, most of the guys are still fairly new to the playoffs and two b/c we realize that with the lose of all the guys Washington isnt a team that is going to give us a series like they gave us last year...
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Cavs' `other guys' aren't slouches

First two playoff games show `supporting cast' also playing to win

By Brian Windhorst

Beacon Journal sportswriter

Two games might not be enough for an outright acquittal, but it has been a quality advertisement for the Cavaliers' ``other guys.''
For a couple of years, the popular criticism of the Cavs has been that they would be unable to re-sign LeBron James to a long-term contract.
Following last year's playoff run, James inked a new deal that will keep him in Cleveland until 2010.

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Cavs can put Wizards' backs against wall

Without Arenas and Butler, Washington is struggling; a lot rides on outcome of Game 3

By George M. Thomas

Beacon Journal sportswriter

CLEVELAND - No team has overcome a 3-0 deficit to win an NBA playoff series.
That's the sobering statistic that faces the Washington Wizards as they head into Game 3 of their opening round playoff series against the Cavaliers.
And the Cavs head into the Verizon Center in the District of Columbia knowing that the Wizards, in front of their home crowd, will not want to fall yet again.
Although the Wizards eventually lost to the Cavs on Wednesday night at Quicken Loans Arena, they landed a couple of late-game blows that put the game's outcome in doubt, even when it appeared there was an insurmountable lead.
``It let us know that they're not going to give up. They're not going to back down. They're going to compete,'' Cavs forward Drew Gooden said. ``They showed me something in Game 2. They showed us all something -- the media, everybody.''

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Snow's playoff experience brings edge

Saturday, April 28, 2007 Jodie Valade

Plain Dealer Reporter
The part that gets to Eric Snow is that he knows better than to be careless, especially in the playoffs.
The Cavaliers' point guard is a veteran, a player with invaluable playoff experience who cele brated his 34th birthday this week and knew better than to force a pass - and telegraph it - at the end of a game that wasn't secure.
Still, he went for the home run pass to LeBron James at the end of Game 2 against the Wizards, sent a baseline toss to midcourt . . . where it was intercepted by Washington forward Jarvis Hayes, who fed Antawn Jamison, whose 3-pointer sliced the score to 101-97 with 41.9 seconds left, and gave the Wizards hope, again.
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Down on Cavs, LeBron, despite being up, 2-0?

Saturday, April 28, 2007 Bill Livingston
Plain Dealer Columnist
As the offense of the Phoenix Suns, the No. 2 seed in the NBA West, stalled the other night, the Suns themselves halted against the No. 7 Los Angeles Lakers. "Sometimes, the ball sticks," observed TNT's Doug Collins.
Thus we come to the Cavaliers, No. 2 in the East, who have yet to lose to No. 7 Washington. Seldom has such derision from the national drama critics adhered to a team with a 2-0 lead in a best-of-seven series.

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James, Hughes 'ghost' hosts for party

Saturday, April 28, 2007 Branson Wright
Plain Dealer Reporter
Washington- LeBron James and Larry Hughes expect to celebrate if they win Game 3 - but not with a party at a Washington nightclub.
A club called Platinum, about a block from the Verizon Center, is advertising a Sunday evening party that will be "hosted" by James and Hughes. James said Friday he hadn't heard of the event until a reporter told him about it. Hughes merely laughed.
"They know we're coming in town," said Hughes, "so they use it to get people to come out."

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LBJ was on fire in the first...I felt it was his first time that he felt the playoff energy, maybe thinking that Washington was going to play a little better at home...

We let them back in the game in the 3rd, but in a way I think these games will give us more confidence going on in the playoffs than blow outs would...
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