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Cavs 06-07 season thread

They were getting outplayed until the past minute or two. I'd look for the Wizards to hang around for 3 quarters or so and then the Cavs pull away at the end. I think the Wizards have to expend too much energy to hang around that they can't finish strong.

Shooting has been spotty so far.
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crazybuckfan40;821628; said:
Yeah I know, is your chanel frozen?

No. I'm stuck in a dorm in Toledo, where I naturally only get Fox Sports Detroit.

Edit: Cavs up 12 as I type this.

Edit2: Cavs up 12 after three.

Hopefully we have a killer fourth quarter. We shouldn't let a team like this hang around this long at home, and there's no way we can let them stay this close when we're on the road. If we win this, it's imperative in my mind that we come out fast on Saturday.
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jlb1705;821665; said:
They didn't put it on the public access channel where you're at?

FSN-Cincinnati has the Reds game, but TimeWarner Ch. 99 has the Cavs game.

I have NBATV, but it's blacked out because of the FSN coverage here.

That is what they did, the put NBAtv on the pulic access channel, but it froze on the pregame show and has been frozen thru out the entire game...
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crazybuckfan40;821672; said:
That is what they did, the put NBAtv on the pulic access channel, but it froze on the pregame show and has been frozen thru out the entire game...

That blows.

I've got the Cavs and the Reds on right now, picture-in-picture. I can watch both of my teams try to blow an important game at the end simultaneously!
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