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Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul

Ricin for Lydia to kill off the Aryan's hookup to the Czech's. The M60 to kill the neo-nazis and save Jesse. Walt gives his money to Jesse, who splits it between himself and the White's. Walt dies. That's my prediction but I'm probably WAY off.
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Ricin for Lydia to kill off the Aryan's hookup to the Czech's. The M60 to kill the neo-nazis and save Jesse. Walt gives his money to Jesse, who splits it between himself and the White's. Walt dies. That's my prediction but I'm probably WAY off.

You really think Walt is going to do and say all that he did to Jesse in this last episode and then suddenly decide to save him? Walt is done with Jesse. Only way I can see him letting Jesse live if it's up to him is seeing Jesse beat all to hell and being slaved to cook for them; maybe Walt lets him go.
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I've stopped trying to figure out what's gonna happen. Every direction I thought they could/would go is out the window. I'm just enjoying one hell of a ride. I fear that the way this is building, and how brilliant the entire has series has been...this season in particular...that the ending will inevitably be a letdown. But, Vince Gilligan has earned the benefit of the doubt. Hell, I'm one of the people that thought the way David Chase ended 'The Sopranos" was well done. But the build up to that was nothing compared to this.
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Am I the only one that was a little disappointed in that episode? Things that happened we all knew were likely to happen. Waaaay too much Walt Jr. and Marie for my taste.

I was not disappointed at all...in fact i think this episode was the best episode of any TV show ive ever seen...the walt jr and marie parts were necessary in my IMO because even tho Walt is all about the money, he has been doing this the whole time for his family...and the part where Walt Jr is protecting Skyler shows Walt that he has finally lost them and he is on his own at that point...and since he is all about the money i think he goes after Jack and the neo-nazi's and then has a battle with the feds...i dont Walt kills himself because in the first or second episode of the first season he put a gun to his head but could not come to killing himself...or the gun wasnt loaded...i forget but either way i dont think he goes that route...best show ever
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Well, that was a pretty intense episode. There's quite a few avenues he can go and with two episodes left, he's still got everyone wondering what's going to happen. I don't see any way Jesse lives, he's done more to put Walt in this situation than anyone else. He ratted, he threatened, he's been absolutely fucking careless and brought attention back. And, while logically you know Walt is actually the bad guy, I symapthize with him, which is the brilliance of the writing with this show. It's going to be interesting, the excuses made for doing everything were for the family, now he's had to pull the rip cord and go on the run. I thought the episode was pretty brilliant all around, but I have thought that about the entire series. And with all the horrible that had just transpired, I still laughed at Walt rolling the barrel of money through the desert.
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You really think Walt is going to do and say all that he did to Jesse in this last episode and then suddenly decide to save him? Walt is done with Jesse. Only way I can see him letting Jesse live if it's up to him is seeing Jesse beat all to hell and being slaved to cook for them; maybe Walt lets him go.

The only reason I think there is the slight chance of it happening is because Jesse was trying to turn his life around when all the shit happened. It could show that no matter what you've done, it's not too late to turn your life around. Having said that, Gilligan probably said "Fuck it" and will have Jesse end up getting killed or have him kill the White's.
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The only reason I think there is the slight chance of it happening is because Jesse was trying to turn his life around when all the [Mark May] happened. It could show that no matter what you've done, it's not too late to turn your life around. Having said that, Gilligan probably said "Fuck it" and will have Jesse end up getting killed or have him kill the White's.

I will be seriously surprised if Jesse survives, he killed off Hank who was the closest thing to a hero in the whole tale. With the position Jesse is in now, I think he's probably going to die next episode, they just need him to cook a couple more times so that Todd can get it down and that's it. He's dead weight.
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I think Jesse may end up a mercy killing by Walter.

I also think Todd still had some pivotal role to ply in the final episodes... else they wouldn't have spent so much time showing you the intricacies of his character.
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Todd is like the pure "aww shucks" sociopath - like everything he does needed to be done and he doesn't give a second thought to any of it.

I guess I never really thought about it before but Walt is basically a combination of over-emotional Jesse and the emotionless Todd.
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