I think there's more to the interview than we are taking into consideration. While the Grey Matter guys did discredit Walt, he knows they have to do what they have to do. Just like he did on the phone with Skyler in an attempt to exonerate her, he's being careless not stupid. What I think you need to consider is at the end of the interview when they mention that the blue is still in circulation, he knows that Todd can't make it, the Neo-Nazi's wanted Walt to do a few more cooks to teach them his formula, so there's only one reason it could still exist, Jesse is still alive and Jack didn't fulfill his end of the bargain. After taking almost everything he's made, they still are cooking and keeping attention on him and his family. So I am pretty sure the Risen is for Lydia, and the trunk cannon is for Jack, Todd and all his friends.
My prediction in the end, Jesse kills walt.