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Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul

This is the link to the ending scene of Granite State: http://www. youtube.com/watch?v=rMlNl0fKwxQ

I put a space in there so nothing is spoiled for anybody who hasn't seen it. SPOILERS FOLLOW

But if you fix the link and watch when Charlie Rose mentions that the blue meth is back in production not only in NM but also in Europe, something flashes in his eyes. He knows Jesse's still alive. What that means? I haven't a clue.
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Walt finds a way to extort money from Grey Matter to support his family. Get's Lydia to help get to the Nazi's kills them. Awkward scene with him and Jesse....Walt kills him. Turns himself in to the police with a plea to turn over where the bodies are to remove Skylar from investigation... Confession comes... Walt takes the Ricin and dies taking care of his family.

Going to be an awesome 1hr 15min
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Ricin doesn't kill instantly. That's not what chemistry genius Walter White would take in that instance. Not that he could easily get his hands on cyanide or anything, but I'm sure a gun to the head would be preferred.
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Walt finds a way to extort money from Grey Matter to support his family. Get's Lydia to help get to the Nazi's kills them. Awkward scene with him and Jesse....Walt kills him. Turns himself in to the police with a plea to turn over where the bodies are to remove Skylar from investigation... Confession comes... Walt takes the Ricin and dies taking care of his family.

Going to be an awesome 1hr 15min

I tend to agree with you. I believe he and Jesse will have at least one more scene together - likely the final scene. How about this, he and Jesse, squared off in a gun battle, each holding gun on the other. The screen goes black and a single gunshot is fired. Leave it up to the viewer to decide who fired it. (Is that Sopranos enough for ya?)
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I want the show to continue the path it has taken.. everyone who crosses Walt = dead. That would mean Walt would be alive and everyone else would be dead. I think it would be awesome and terrifying. Whatever they do, I'm sure it'll be awesome. They have succeeded my sky-high expectations over and over again.
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I don't think Gray Matter plays a role in the finale. Not enough time to really bring that into everything else. The Charlie Rose interview only changed his mind when he heard about the blue meth being produced and distributed. He knows what is going on with the Nazis, Lydia, and Jesse. Now... whether he actually gives a shit about saving Jesse or killing Jesse, I have no guess to that. I imagine he'd want to kill them all, including Jesse, but who knows?

I think the Ricin may very well be for Walt. Maybe he doesn't think he deserves a painless death. (Spoiler Alert: He doesn't deserve a painless death)
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I don't think Gray Matter plays a role in the finale. Not enough time to really bring that into everything else. The Charlie Rose interview only changed his mind when he heard about the blue meth being produced and distributed. He knows what is going on with the Nazis, Lydia, and Jesse. Now... whether he actually gives a [Mark May] about saving Jesse or killing Jesse, I have no guess to that. I imagine he'd want to kill them all, including Jesse, but who knows?

I think the Ricin may very well be for Walt. Maybe he doesn't think he deserves a painless death. (Spoiler Alert: He doesn't deserve a painless death)
I think the only role Gray Matter played was her saying "Walter White" is gone. He realizes all he has left is Heisenberg, and his legacy, and he'll be damned if some nazi fucks are gonna fuck with it.
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He realizes all he has left is Heisenberg, and his legacy, and he'll be damned if some nazi fucks are gonna fuck with it.

Agreed..... But, he also wants to get his money to his family, but they'll likely not accept it directly from him. This is how he could use Gray Matter. They have money and could channel some of it to Skyler and the kids.
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Going back and watching the marathon last night of the first season and a couple thoughts came to mind:

1. How absolutely stubborn and stupid was Walt's decision not to work at Gray Matter when it was offered after his diagnosis?

2. Hank was such a sucker. They find a gas mask with an inscription from Walt's high school's chemistry lab at the site of the first cook. They have a meeting about the cooks having made the purest meth they'd even seen. And he couldn't put 2 and 2 together to even consider Walt (the chemistry teacher) as a suspect? He's got to be the worst DEA agent ever.

3. To reiterate a point I made a few pages back: Jesse owes Walt his life on a couple of occasions. He's such an idiot that he shows Crazy 8 and Emilio the cook site, which almost results in both Walt and Jesse being murdered. Walt comes up with the genuis plan to kill them using the red phosphorous, thus saving both their lives. And Jesse still feels like Walt is the evil one that ruined his life.

4. Tuco was one crazy son of a bitch. And yet he could, at times, reason like a business man with Walt. The mercury fulminate explosion probably still remains the most bad ass moment in the history of Heisenberg and it was his first act as Heisenberg.

5. Looking back at the ladder that Walt scaled... makes partners with the lowest level dealer on the streets, Jesse. He connected him to the next guys up, Emilio and Crazy 8. Walt kills them. He then brokers a deal with the replacement, Tuco. Hank then kills Tuco after Tuco goes all Tuco on Walt and Jesse - leaving the Alberquque meth market to Walt and Jesse. They have absolutely no idea what they're doing trying to distribute meth in mass in the community. So they broker a deal with Gus Fring, who is the main drug supplier in SW United States. Walt then kills Gus and fills in the void, becoming the meth kingpin of the Southwest and - through Lydia - Eastern Europe. All in the span of about 18 months. Crazy.

EDIT: And most of that ladder climbing was by accident. He didn't want to kill Crazy 8 and Emilio. He wanted to sell his meth to them so they could distibute it. Crazy 8 and Emilio tried to kill Walt and he defended himself. If Tuco hadn't been so nucking futs, he'd have continued making meth for him and let him distribute - and been just fine and dandy. But Tuco had to be Tuco and Walt gets lucky that Hank shows up to save the day. The Gus Fring murder was pure genius though. No accident there.
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Going back and watching the marathon last night of the first season and a couple thoughts came to mind:

1. How absolutely stubborn and stupid was Walt's decision not to work at Gray Matter when it was offered after his diagnosis?

2. Hank was such a sucker. They find a gas mask with an inscription from Walt's high school's chemistry lab at the site of the first cook. They have a meeting about the cooks having made the purest meth they'd even seen. And he couldn't put 2 and 2 together to even consider Walt (the chemistry teacher) as a suspect? He's got to be the worst DEA agent ever.

3. To reiterate a point I made a few pages back: Jesse owes Walt his life on a couple of occasions. He's such an idiot that he shows Crazy 8 and Emilio the cook site, which almost results in both Walt and Jesse being murdered. Walt comes up with the genuis plan to kill them using the red phosphorous, thus saving both their lives. And Jesse still feels like Walt is the evil one that ruined his life.

4. Tuco was one crazy son of a bitch. And yet he could, at times, reason like a business man with Walt. The mercury fulminate explosion probably still remains the most bad ass moment in the history of Heisenberg and it was his first act as Heisenberg.

5. Looking back at the ladder that Walt scaled... makes partners with the lowest level dealer on the streets, Jesse. He connected him to the next guys up, Emilio and Crazy 8. Walt kills them. He then brokers a deal with the replacement, Tuco. Hank then kills Tuco after Tuco goes all Tuco on Walt and Jesse - leaving the Alberquque meth market to Walt and Jesse. They have absolutely no idea what they're doing trying to distribute meth in mass in the community. So they broker a deal with Gus Fring, who is the main drug supplier in SW United States. Walt then kills Gus and fills in the void, becoming the meth kingpin of the Southwest and - through Lydia - Eastern Europe. All in the span of about 18 months. Crazy.

EDIT: And most of that ladder climbing was by accident. He didn't want to kill Crazy 8 and Emilio. He wanted to sell his meth to them so they could distibute it. Crazy 8 and Emilio tried to kill Walt and he defended himself. If Tuco hadn't been so nucking futs, he'd have continued making meth for him and let him distribute - and been just fine and dandy. But Tuco had to be Tuco and Walt gets lucky that Hank shows up to save the day. The Gus Fring murder was pure genius though. No accident there.

Hard to pin murder on someone when all you have is two initials (not even the middle initial). There's millions of W.W.'s out there. How was Hank to know it was Walt? I'm sure it crossed his mind, but early on, he would have NEVER thought someone like Walt would be involved in this huge operation.

Could have been just as easily believable if it were stolen from the lab, but it belonged to another student with the initials WW.
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Hard to pin murder on someone when all you have is two initials (not even the middle initial). There's millions of W.W.'s out there. How was Hank to know it was Walt? I'm sure it crossed his mind, but early on, he would have NEVER thought someone like Walt would be involved in this huge operation.

Could have been just as easily believable if it were stolen from the lab, but it belonged to another student with the initials WW.

I disagree. The quality of the product should have been an indicator as to the intelligence level and chemistry experience of the cook. No better suspect than the chemistry teacher who is one of the very few who have access to the equipment (and who also just so happens to be the "smartest guy" Hank's ever met). And they didn't even look at him at first. Not the slightest look.

I understand being blind to possibility because it's your brother-in-law, but it was a dereliction of duty not to see it from the beginning.
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