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Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul

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This is freaking awesome.....


Aaron Paul Tweets Amazing Breaking Bad "Spoiler Alert"—You Won't Be Disappointed!

"*Spoiler Alert #BreakingBad," he tweeted, prompting fans to click on a link to Instagram, where he posted a very fabulous black and white picture of Jesse in bed...

With Walt and Skyler.


Happy Friday the 13th, bitches!

The ever-cheeky Paul has been doing his darndest to give back to his loyal fans as the Sept. 29 finale draws near, even calling 10 lucky people who asked him questions via Twitter before an episode last month.

The two-time Emmy winner has admitted that he got very emotional when he got his hands on the final script.

PHOTOS: Fall 2013 TV Spoiler-ama!

"At the end, Bryan read the line: 'end of series.' We just looked at each other for, no joke, probably 10 or 15 seconds with tears in our eyes, not wanting to believe it's done," Paul told the Los Angeles Times last month.

"I gotta be honest," he also wrote during a Reddit AMA. "I never wanted Breaking Bad to end, simply because I'm a huge fan of the show and I didn't want to be unemployed. But after reading the final eight episodes and understanding where the writers are going with it, I'm so happy they ended it the way they did and I think all of you will be happy as well. It's a dark, crazy ride to the final episode but it is a fun one. Yeah, bitch."

But happily, creator Vince Gilligan isn't done with all of his characters.

AMC announced this week that the tentatively titled Better Call Saul, a prequel series starring Bob Odenkirk as crafty, morally compromised-yet-likable lawyer Saul Goodman in the days before he took on Walt and Jesse as clients, has been given the greenlight.

PHOTOS: Breaking Bad's most OMG moments
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I don't know if I can wait another week for the finale. I felt so bad for Walt when Jr. told him to just die already (again), but you reap what you sow. I wasn't quite sure if Gretchen and Elliot would be in involved, but now that we do know he's got his eyes set on them, it sets up for a great ending. Over/under 9.5 deaths in the finale?
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That was definitely an "exhale" episode after several weeks of white-knuckling it. I can only imagine how intense the finale is gonna be. Of course Gilligan throws a total curveball at us with the Gray Matter thing. Never saw that coming, but it fits so damn well.

Saw this from someone on Twitter:

Last episode of #BreakingBad is titled "Felina."
Fe (Iron) Li (Lithium) Na (Sodium),
Or, Blood, Meth & Tears.
Also an anagram for "finale"
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If true there is a spin off about Saul... that could signal a lot... including how money gets funneled to fam
and someone who can tell the fam Walt didn't do in Hank
everyone else dies.. including actors and actresses from shows before 9 and after 10

How does Walt die? violent; cancer; passively / ricin (albeit not so pleasant) / suicidal / while bringing down the world ?!?!?!?!

If the director says we're going to like it... then it's a composite of whom we were programmed to hate and like... and justice be done
and Marie better get her ass handed to her or I'm pissed
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