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Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul

I thought they were gut-wrenching too in that the acting with Walt Jr., Marie, and Skyler was gut-wrenchingly awful.

Considering Walt Jr. (RJ Mitte) really does have Cerebral Palsy, I don't think he's "acting" out his disability very much. As for Marie and Skylar - they are playing the characters the way they are meant to be played. The writers don't want you to like them. They want you to find them annoying, just as Walt/Hank found them annoying. Otherwise, you don't enjoy scenes like
Walt going apeshit on Skylar and then his threatening phone call as much as you otherwise would.
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I thought they were gut-wrenching too in that the acting with Walt Jr., Marie, and Skyler was gut-wrenchingly awful.
Well, I'll agree with that. :lol: I just try to looks past the flaws. The way Gilligan somehow, someway, keeps you invested in Walt as a human being is unequaled in television, and maybe all of entertainment history. Just when you think you've FINALLY reached the moment that Walt is pure evil (and you want him to BURN), he throws a small, or HUGE, touch of humanity at you. The phone call to Skyler at the end was a master stroke.
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Considering Walt Jr. (RJ Mitte) really does have Cerebral Palsy, I don't think he's "acting" out his disability very much. As for Marie and Skylar - they are playing the characters the way they are meant to be played. The writers don't want you to like them. They want you to find them annoying, just as Walt/Hank found them annoying. Otherwise, you don't enjoy scenes like
Walt going ape[Mark May] on Skylar and then his threatening phone call as much as you otherwise would.
*SPOILER of sorts*

That phone call wasn't Walt being annoyed with or threatening Skyler. It was him saving her. He knew the police were listening. It was meant to make the police think she was a prisoner of, not a party to, his actions.
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Walt's lost pants from the first episode:

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You might be. Everything I've read has given almost universal acclaim. I thought the scenes with his family were gut-wrenching...as they were meant to be.
agreed. I've seen some people saying it was the best episode of TV ever. I'm not willing to go that far, because I think there have been better episodes in this series and in this season.....but holy shit it was good.
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I really have absolutely no idea what's going to happen in the next episode or what it has to do with Episode one of Season 5 (Walt at the Denny's, huge gun in his trunk).

I want to know more about who spray painted his old house with the words HEISENBURG that was say in eight.
Are the bikers using Jesse to train Todd or are they going to keep him as a Meth Slave
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I really have absolutely no idea what's going to happen in the next episode or what it has to do with Episode one of Season 5 (Walt at the Denny's, huge gun in his trunk).

I want to know more about who spray painted his old house with the words HEISENBURG that was say in eight.
Are the bikers using Jesse to train Todd or are they going to keep him as a Meth Slave
I think Todd might just be keeping Jessie all on his own.
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There were a couple of funny add-ins to last night's episode:

1. As already pointed out, the pants in the desert.

2. Jesse on an outdoor dog leash. Hilarious!

3. Walt using a Koala Kare changing table.

All of those made me laugh out loud in the middle of probably the most tense episode of the series. That was brilliant.
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*SPOILER of sorts*

That phone call wasn't Walt being annoyed with or threatening Skyler. It was him saving her. He knew the police were listening. It was meant to make the police think she was a prisoner of, not a party to, his actions.

I understand that but how many times have you wanted to hear him say those words (calling her stupid and threatening to kill her).
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