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Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul



'Breaking Bad' fans will have two endings to choose from

Culver City, Calif. —

Fans of the critically acclaimed and hugely popular TV show "Breaking Bad" are dying to know what will happen to their favorite characters as the series edges closer to its frantic finale.

But whether or not series lead Walter White, played by Emmy Award winner Bryan Cranston, gets away with his bloody criminal enterprises, finally faces justice, or dies before he's caught, will all depend on how you watch the final episode.

That's because Sony Pictures announced this week that when the complete series DVD set is released this November, it will include a three-minute alternate ending to White's journey from mild mannered family man to a meth drug kingpin.

The DVD set will also include more than two-hours of never-before-seen footage, a documentary on the filming of the fifth and final season of the show and a number of other special features.

The set will come packaged in a collectible "replica barrel representing part of Walter White’s dark legacy." The barrel packing is meant to resemble the ones used on the show to store ill-gotten money, or to dissolve the corpses of less fortunate series characters. "Breaking Bad: The Complete Series" is set for release on Nov. 26. The series finale will air on Sept. 29.

Cranston has won three Emmys for his work on the hit AMC series. Co-star Aaron Paul has picked up two Emmys for his portrayal of White's partner Jessie Pinkman. The show follows White, a chemistry teacher who is diagnosed with stage III cancer and given a slim chance to survive.

In order to pay off his extremely expensive medical treatments, and to secure his family's future financial security, he chooses to use his chemistry expertise to cook meth, transforming into a criminal mastermind.
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Mind was fucking blown tonight.


That's what I like to hear!
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These past two episodes, in particular, have been excruciatingly difficult to watch...and the wait between episodes...well, FUCK. I cannot imagine any television ever approaching this level again. Just pure genius. I already felt this was the best television show ever prior to this season, and it's building to a crescendo as it ends.
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Am I the only one that was a little disappointed in that episode? Things that happened we all knew were likely to happen. Waaaay too much Walt Jr. and Marie for my taste.
You might be. Everything I've read has given almost universal acclaim. I thought the scenes with his family were gut-wrenching...as they were meant to be.
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