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Brady "XLLL" Hoke (Head Coach San Diego State)

Wingate1217;2266717; said:
Exactly Mattison got there, so Hoke could have got there also....no excuse and no class.....

If he could move that fast...well, I guess they could have told him Meyer had a Twinkie for him. :lol:

I think their S&C coach needs to focus a bit on Hoke if he wants to make the 50 before fans engulf the field.
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Bucklion;2266482; said:
I disagree, I've seen hundreds of games where fans go on the field after a big win, and more or less every time the coaches shake hands. Add to that the fact he acts like a colossal doucheturkey before, during, and after the game and pretty much all week and all the time, and I don't think there's nothing to it. I mean, I'm not losing any sleep over it, so it can be a "non-story" or whatever, but it's still a classless third grade pussy move. You can bet dUMb fans would pitch a holy hell hissy-fit if JT or UFM ever did that (of course they barely ever lose rivalry games, so...)

Not to make excuses for the fat fuck but I think in his mind that's how he's going to deal with the rivalry, not say the name of the school, not shake hands with the coach and be a first class d-bag. Another reason he doesn't quite get it. It will be interesting, for all Rich Rod did, he left him with a decent quarterback that could win games on his own, gardner will need a lot of improvement if he's going to keep Coach Joke in a job, and with Urb in place on our side, there's not going to be a lot of down years against our rivals.

scUM fans can try to say their future is bright, but Carr --> DickRod --> Joke, I fail to see a stellar improvement anywhere in the their coaching positions, hell, the two following Carr seem like a downgrade from him, at least with Carr you could count on 9-10 wins and a good showing in a bowl game, so there's that.
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OCBucksFan;2266749; said:
Not to make excuses for the fat fuck but I think in his mind that's how he's going to deal with the rivalry, not say the name of the school, not shake hands with the coach and be a first class d-bag. Another reason he doesn't quite get it.

In his mind he is Schembechler, but his actions show that he will always be that annoying pos who grew up in Ohio rooting for Michigan just to be annoying and get attention. Everyone who also grew up in Ohio knows the type and Hoke clearly hasn't outgrown it.

The further away these morons get from Schembechler the more pathetic, delusional and hypocritical the "Michigan Man" gets.
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Buckeye86;2266758; said:
In his mind he is Schembechler, but his actions show that he will always be that annoying pos who grew up in Ohio rooting for Michigan just to be annoying and get attention. Everyone who also grew up in Ohio knows the type and Hoke clearly hasn't outgrown it.

The further away these morons get from Schembechler the more pathetic, delusional and hypocritical the "Michigan Man" gets.

Bo coached under Woody. Bo loved tOSU. Bo was promised to be the next head coach at tOSU by Woody. But Bo knew Woody wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, so Bo went to the next best thing.

The problem with every "Michigan Man" since Bo is that they're under the false assumption that Michigan is the first choice. As soon as one of them realizes that Bo's success came not from hating tOSU, but from wanting to be tOSU, we may be in trouble.

Fortunately, they seem to be getting stupider, so that seems unlikely.
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I know everyone here hates Brady Hoke. But I don't.

1. People whine about his referring to the Buckeye team as "Ohio." You all seem to forget that this is how we have referred to ourselves through much of our history. "We'll drink to old Ohio till we wobble in our shoes." He can call us whatever the [censored] he wants, but this is not disrespectful in the least, regardless of what Hoke himself may say. Our complaining about this term makes Buckeye fans look silly IMO.

2. He is a very, very good coach. But not a great one. And that's how we want it. He might beat us once out of every 4-5 games, just enough to keep some flavah in the rivalry. Fine by me.

3. He is a Michigan Man. And that also is what we want IMO. Hatred leavened by respect is the hallmark of this, the greatest of all sports rivalries. Hoke will engineer a team with grit, talent and arrogance, the archetype for Michigan football. Those qualities will ensure that Michigan will be successful enough to impress the nation, yet sufficiently flawed through self-importance that we will cause them massive heartache.

Yep, Hoke is fine by me. He'll be good enough to raise the hopes of Michigan fans, but not good enough to prevent those hopes from being dashed by all-too-frequent losses to the Buckeyes. Man, I'm looking forward to the coming years.
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MaxBuck;2266947; said:
1. People whine about his referring to the Buckeye team as "Ohio." You all seem to forget that this is how we have referred to ourselves through much of our history. "We'll drink to old Ohio till we wobble in our shoes." He can call us whatever the [censored] he wants, but this is not disrespectful in the least, regardless of what Hoke himself may say. Our complaining about this term makes Buckeye fans look silly IMO.

I don't think any one here considers it disrespectful, which is what makes it so dumb on his part. He thinks he is disrespecting Ohio State, but there's no offense taken, just mild amusement.
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MaxBuck;2266947; said:
I know everyone here hates Brady Hoke. But I don't.

1. People whine about his referring to the Buckeye team as "Ohio." You all seem to forget that this is how we have referred to ourselves through much of our history. "We'll drink to old Ohio till we wobble in our shoes." He can call us whatever the [censored] he wants, but this is not disrespectful in the least, regardless of what Hoke himself may say. Our complaining about this term makes Buckeye fans look silly IMO.

2. He is a very, very good coach. But not a great one. And that's how we want it. He might beat us once out of every 4-5 games, just enough to keep some flavah in the rivalry. Fine by me.

3. He is a Michigan Man. And that also is what we want IMO. Hatred leavened by respect is the hallmark of this, the greatest of all sports rivalries. Hoke will engineer a team with grit, talent and arrogance, the archetype for Michigan football. Those qualities will ensure that Michigan will be successful enough to impress the nation, yet sufficiently flawed through self-importance that we will cause them massive heartache.

Yep, Hoke is fine by me. He'll be good enough to raise the hopes of Michigan fans, but not good enough to prevent those hopes from being dashed by all-too-frequent losses to the Buckeyes. Man, I'm looking forward to the coming years.

I see you're taking the contrarian angle here. Frankly, I'm shocked.
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MaxBuck;2266947; said:
I know everyone here hates Brady Hoke. But I don't.

1. People whine about his referring to the Buckeye team as "Ohio." You all seem to forget that this is how we have referred to ourselves through much of our history. "We'll drink to old Ohio till we wobble in our shoes." He can call us whatever the [censored] he wants, but this is not disrespectful in the least, regardless of what Hoke himself may say. Our complaining about this term makes Buckeye fans look silly IMO.

This actually is the least of my criticisms of the windbag, but I think you're kidding yourself if you don't think he's doing it to get under the skin of OSU players, fans, etc. Ask yourself this--everyone else seems to have no problem calling Ohio State by its name--why would he do otherwise?

2. He is a very, very good coach. But not a great one. And that's how we want it. He might beat us once out of every 4-5 games, just enough to keep some flavah in the rivalry. Fine by me.
Here I will disagree with you. What, exactly, has he done to justify your claim that he's a "very, very good coach?" Gone sub .500 in his career prior to getting to UM? Coached one decent team at Ball State that was exposed as a fraud by MAC-level opponents at the end of even that year? Taken advantage of a Big Ten schedule in his first two seasons in which he luckily missed two of the conference's best teams in UW and PSU? Beaten all of 1 ranked team this year, at home, in OT, in a game in which his team was favored by 11? Walked around the field without a headset on while one of the best defensive minds in college football has righted the ship for him? Just looking for a little evidence to support your conclusion.

3. He is a Michigan Man.
What does that mean, anymore? That he'll start a convicted felon at LB for the sake of chasing wins (which he can't get against good teams even with criminals in the lineup, mind you)?

Yep, Hoke is fine by me. He'll be good enough to raise the hopes of Michigan fans, but not good enough to prevent those hopes from being dashed by all-too-frequent losses to the Buckeyes. Man, I'm looking forward to the coming years.
I guess I don't disagree with you here.
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MaxBuck;2266947; said:
I know everyone here hates Brady Hoke. But I don't.

1. People whine about his referring to the Buckeye team as "Ohio." You all seem to forget that this is how we have referred to ourselves through much of our history. "We'll drink to old Ohio till we wobble in our shoes." He can call us whatever the [censored] he wants, but this is not disrespectful in the least, regardless of what Hoke himself may say. Our complaining about this term makes Buckeye fans look silly IMO.

No. We laugh because they can't even beat the boys in Athens.

It gets under the skin of the OU fans though.
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MaxBuck;2266947; said:
I know everyone here hates Brady Hoke. But I don't.

1. People whine about his referring to the Buckeye team as "Ohio." You all seem to forget that this is how we have referred to ourselves through much of our history. "We'll drink to old Ohio till we wobble in our shoes." He can call us whatever the [censored] he wants, but this is not disrespectful in the least, regardless of what Hoke himself may say. Our complaining about this term makes Buckeye fans look silly IMO.

Well, the name of that song (and the opening line) is "I Wanna Go Back to Ohio State", so... no. C'mon man, no Buckeye has ever referred to OSU solely as "Ohio".

It's not complaining to call out Hoke for being childish and wrong-headed. I actually like that he's such a douche, but he certainly is a douche.
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BayBuck;2266979; said:
Well, the name of that song (and the opening line) is "I Wanna Go Back to Ohio State", so... no. C'mon man, no Buckeye has ever referred to OSU solely as "Ohio".

It's not complaining to call out Hoke for being childish and wrong-headed. I actually like that he's such a douche, but he certainly is a douche.

Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
And songs to Alma Mater raise...
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