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Brady "XLLL" Hoke (Head Coach San Diego State)

ORD_Buckeye;2265586; said:
So with yesterday's win, the series is officially back to where it was before Cooper took over. I don't know whether to feel happy, relieved or disgusted about that.

Earle Bruce probably thinks it's about damn time.

Coop. :shake:
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maximumblitz;2264822; said:
How many losses to tOSU will it take for Hoke to go?

I think this is a great question.

Here's what I see happening:

The goodwill he built up by last seasons record/BCS win has basically eroded with a 4 loss season (Likely 5 after the bowl).

Next years struggles will be blamed on RichRod's recruits (Ya know, the same recruits that went 11-2 and won the Sugar Bowl, all because of the "Hoke" difference.).

Year 4, with a 1-3 record against tOSU, and tOSU having won at least 1 NC and every conference championship, will be huge. Not only will he have never won against Urban, he'll have never lived up to his first season. The natives (the nasty, walmart shopping shower skipping buck-toothed natives) will be getting restless, and scUM will have to go balls out for Miles or Harbaugh.

I'd be stunned to see Hoke around for 5 total years. Just don't see it. Great coaches get better, not worse. And a lot of their struggles can be pinned on his poor coaching.
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BlufftonBuckeye;2265652; said:
I think this is a great question.

Here's what I see happening:

The goodwill he built up by last seasons record/BCS win has basically eroded with a 4 loss season (Likely 5 after the bowl).

Next years struggles will be blamed on RichRod's recruits (Ya know, the same recruits that went 11-2 and won the Sugar Bowl, all because of the "Hoke" difference.).

Year 4, with a 1-3 record against tOSU, and tOSU having won at least 1 NC and every conference championship, will be huge. Not only will he have never won against Urban, he'll have never lived up to his first season. The natives (the nasty, walmart shopping shower skipping buck-toothed natives) will be getting restless, and scUM will have to go balls out for Miles or Harbaugh.

I'd be stunned to see Hoke around for 5 total years. Just don't see it. Great coaches get better, not worse. And a lot of their struggles can be pinned on his poor coaching.

No way Miles or Harbaugh would go to scUM unless they get canned from their current jobs, which I don't see happening in the next 2 years. ScUM doesn't have an Urban Meyer waiting in the wings to take over. If Darrell Hazell would stay at Kent for a couple more years and win 3 straight MAC championships and bowl games he would be a good option, but it would make me throw up.
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NFBuck;2265536; said:
Right at the beginning of the gif, you can see the point that one of the troopers whispers "Coach, they've procured a case of twinkies. They're waiting for you on the bus."


If only there had been a TBDBITL trombone player there to smack him in the head when he got near the endzone.
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If Hoke lasts five years (minimum), Lester will be approaching his mid-60s, and Harbaugh isn't leaving the NFL to come back to scUM after already passing on that opportunity twice. By that time, a whole new crop of candidates will have emerged.
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BlufftonBuckeye;2265652; said:
Year 4, with a 1-3 record against tOSU, and tOSU having won at least 1 NC and every conference championship, will be huge. Not only will he have never won against Urban, he'll have never lived up to his first season. The natives (the nasty, walmart shopping shower skipping buck-toothed natives) will be getting restless, and scUM will have to go balls out for Miles or Harbaugh.
Fingers crossed that they stay away from Tom Herman.
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cHokes integrity

At some point, every organization takes on the character of the guy on top. High integrity guys create high integrity organizations & teams. It is the truth.

I wondered about cHoke's integrity when he brought the felon back after a singe game suspension, but now I am sure that this is a serious character flaw.

Any well coached athlete or head coach knows that the more that worse that get your ass kicked, the more incumbent it is upon you to demonstrate good sportsmanship. You should hate every loss with all the venom you can muster, and vow to never let it happen again, but there is no shortcut that gets you out of the decorum of the post game handshake. Ever.

We learned that cHoke is truly a "Michigan Man"...a man of low character that avoids doing the right thing no matter how hard it is. Mark my word....this will all be reflected in the way his team prepares and plays.

I hope he stays at scUM forever!
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It wasn't shown very well on tv, but it looked like tsun ran down through OSU's sideline pregame when that tsun player threw the punch? If so, I think that's a perfect example of the bush league moves that have become more common under Hoke. He's trying so hard to be Bo, that he's actually turning into RichRod.
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rock454;2266029; said:
It wasn't shown very well on tv, but it looked like tsun ran down through OSU's sideline pregame when that tsun player threw the punch? If so, I think that's a perfect example of the bush league moves that have become more common under Hoke. He's trying so hard to be Bo, that he's actually turning into RichRod.
I think we'll see more of this kind of [Mark May] from cHoke. It starts out simple....detard's "spoon full of dog[Mark May]" routine....the felon that he brings back...failure to shake an opposing coach's hand just because he is too much of a coward to confront a loss. cHoke won't encourage it directly, but he will let his troops start to make their own rules as long as he can turn a blind eye to it all. Call it "Lord of the Flies: scUM Island" ("Belly Flop" Pipkins and Kalis trash talk....etc.)

It will be crumbling all over before he realizes it even happened.

Just because cHoke wants the "no handshake" incident to be "no story" doesn't make it true. To all of you journalists out there (Lantern editors...there IS a story here) I say " follow up." There is a story...the visible parts are a total lack of class and intestinal fortitude....but the heart of it is a lack of character that will manifest itself at the worst possible time. Meyer won't forget it, and you can damn well bet the OSU Jr's won't either.
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