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Brady "XLLL" Hoke (Head Coach San Diego State)

ScottsdaleBucki;2265230; said:
Worth the price of admission. Would have love to see it. Go Bucks!

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woofermazing;2264706; said:
Assuming Minnesota and air force lose today, scum beat one team with a winning record this year.

What a great coach.

...which is why I've thought all year long that it was a joke that scUM was ranked so high in the polls (extra fact too--that one win against a team with a winning record was in OT, at home, against a team that scUM was an 11-point favorite against).

Back to Hoke though--one day, scUM fans are going to realize that this guy is a lifetime sub .500 MAC-level coach who is hiding behind Mattison and a scheduling quirk (missing UW and PSU in his first two years, teams that in '11 and '12 were a couple of the best in the Big Ten) to a respectable first two seasons. He'll continue to go 8-4 or 9-3 so long as Mattison's around. After that (he's 63), the wheels are going to fall off.
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It takes quite a bit of time to get him up to full speed. Got troopers in front and back, pushing and pulling. Hope they gave themselves plenty of time to get him slowed back down. Hope no troopers were injured...
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