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Brady "XLLL" Hoke (Head Coach San Diego State)

osucollegebuck;2264672; said:
Did he end up shaking Urban's hand at the end? I never caught it on TV.


He told reporters "It's a non-story."

This asshole does a lot of things that could be construed as disrespectful, then says things like, "Oh, I don't mean anything by it."

You're either stupid, an asshole, or both.
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I'm thrilled that Brady Hoke is coaching the Michigan Wolverines. Long may he coach in Ann Arbor!!

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Buckeye86;2264751; said:
Um, the fat douchebag doesn't where a headset. Criticism of the play calling directed at him is entirely misplaced. Other than wearing short sleaves in a misplaced attempt to look tough/oldschool the disgusting slob had about as much to do with play calling today as zombie Paterno.

He wears short sleeves because he's insulated by about 6" of beef gravy and marinara.
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