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Brady "XLLL" Hoke (Head Coach San Diego State)

LeftCoastBuck;2266088; said:
Just because cHoke wants the "no handshake" incident to be "no story" doesn't make it true. To all of you journalists out there (Lantern editors...there IS a story here) I say " follow up." There is a story...the visible parts are a total lack of class and intestinal fortitude....but the heart of it is a lack of character that will manifest itself at the worst possible time. Meyer won't forget it, and you can damn well bet the OSU Jr's won't either.


I think we need to stop being so dramatic about this.

A very plausible explanation for the no shake is the fans rushing the field making it difficult to get to the 50 much less find Urban in the middle of it all once he got there. You can see that there is already a group of fans in the middle of the field at the beginning of the gif and more and more were showing up by the second.

It is also pretty obvious that the security detail had a lot to do with ushering him off of the field in a hurry before the handshake could take place.

Hoke is a fat douchebag who will get tsun back to the late-Carr era glory days if he is lucky, but the Buckeyes don't need to be BWI drama queens about this in order to hate him and motivate themselves to kick his ass every year.
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I have to chime in that I don't think the handshake thing is a story, either. When watching the game live, I was wondering if Hoke and Urban would be ablet to meet up at midfield because of the crush of people streaming on to the field. I think the OSHP officer leaned in and said it might be too dangersous to try and they made a quick about face and got the fat boy out of there.

Hell, it takes the guys at least 45 secs to jog the 25 yards to midfield without a crush of people around, Urban had better things to do than wait to shake the fat sweaty sausages of an out of breath Hoke.

Urban and Mattison met up and shook hands, that is good enough for me.
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buxfan4life;2266198; said:
I think the OSHP officer leaned in and said it might be too dangerous to try and they made a quick about face and got the fat boy out of there.

OSHP may have miscalculated the risk. Buckeye Nation has a huge vested interest in keeping him safe. Or maybe that is what OSHP was thinking?
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maximumblitz;2266032; said:
I wonder how many more losses to tOSU before he is fired?

Pretty scary. They might get someone good.

His seat is going to get warm after we beat them next year. I expect them to lose 5 games next year. Gardner is overrated and he wont be able to save them with his legs the way Denard did alot. SCUm fans think they're back because of last season so expectations are very high up north
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Buckeye86;2266191; said:

I think we need to stop being so dramatic about this.

A very plausible explanation for the no shake is the fans rushing the field making it difficult to get to the 50 much less find Urban in the middle of it all once he got there. You can see that there is already a group of fans in the middle of the field at the beginning of the gif and more and more were showing up by the second.

It is also pretty obvious that the security detail had a lot to do with ushering him off of the field in a hurry before the handshake could take place.

Hoke is a fat douchebag who will get tsun back to the late-Carr era glory days if he is lucky, but the Buckeyes don't need to be BWI drama queens about this in order to hate him and motivate themselves to kick his ass every year.

I disagree, I've seen hundreds of games where fans go on the field after a big win, and more or less every time the coaches shake hands. Add to that the fact he acts like a colossal doucheturkey before, during, and after the game and pretty much all week and all the time, and I don't think there's nothing to it. I mean, I'm not losing any sleep over it, so it can be a "non-story" or whatever, but it's still a classless third grade pussy move. You can bet dUMb fans would pitch a holy hell hissy-fit if JT or UFM ever did that (of course they barely ever lose rivalry games, so...)
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BrutuStrength;2266462; said:
I agree that it wasn't a big deal. I was at the game and the field was covered by fans very quickly after the game ended. It's a non-issue to me.

Happens all the time, still doesn't mean you don't make an effort. But like I said, doesn't matter much. He coaches at Michigan, so motivation is never necessary.
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The only way the handshake is an issue is if ignorant fans make it an issue.

That said, we are talking about the fat bastard Michigan football coach! We need to all pull together and make this an issue!!!!
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Oh8ch;2266485; said:
The only way the handshake is an issue is if ignorant fans make it an issue.

That said, we are talking about the fat bastard Michigan football coach! We need to all pull together and make this an issue!!!!

Really? So I'm ignorant if I expect coaches to have a little class and shake hands after games like they always have? That's what the world has come to now? Got it.
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So, cHoke's big win in the Game last year was overshadowed almost immediately afterward by tOSU hiring Urban Meyer...thus showing the rest of the world what a "home run hire" really looks like, then in their first meeting bests him with a masterful second half capping off a perfect 12-0 debut season. Yeah, I don't think I'd shake Urb's hand either if I was Wheezy the Garbageman. :lol:
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Bucklion;2266482; said:
I disagree, I've seen hundreds of games where fans go on the field after a big win, and more or less every time the coaches shake hands. Add to that the fact he acts like a colossal doucheturkey before, during, and after the game and pretty much all week and all the time, and I don't think there's nothing to it. I mean, I'm not losing any sleep over it, so it can be a "non-story" or whatever, but it's still a classless third grade pussy move. You can bet dUMb fans would pitch a holy hell hissy-fit if JT or UFM ever did that (of course they barely ever lose rivalry games, so...)

If Hoke made a concerted effort to get to midfield for the handshake he certainly could have done so prior to the fans overtaking everything.

That said, I don't think his inability to waddle to midfield before the fans made it there is even in the top 20 reasons why he is such a fat pig or one of the things that will make the list of motivating factors to continue kicking his ass.

So yes, he was clearly a fat douche before this incident, he was probably a fat douche during this incident, and he will most certainly continue to be a fat douche into the future. I am not nor would I ever dispute that.
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