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Brady "XLLL" Hoke (Head Coach San Diego State)

It would appear nobody is going to lose their jobs anytime soon.

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Hoke was told by trainers to get Morris out of the game, according to Michael Martin of Troy, who was on the Michigan sideline during the game, at the same end of the field where the hit took place. Martin said it was not clear to him whether trainers were advising Hoke regarding Morris' ankle injury or his head injury.

"I was within earshot of Hoke," said Martin, who was close to the action with a sideline pass. "I was right there and I heard everything. It is very possible that Hoke did not actually see his leg give out, but he heard it from assistant coaches and trainers. They were all screaming at him that Morris needed to get out.

"I don't think Hoke was malicious. I think he froze under the pressure and put that kid in harm's way. I think there was too much happening too fast for him to control. People were going absolutely nuts on the sidelines as soon as (Morris) took that hit."

He said it was clear to him that Morris had a head injury.

"He was like a boxer who gets knocked down," Martin said. "But he gets up and says, 'I'm all right, I'm all right.'"

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Hoke was told by trainers to get Morris out of the game, according to Michael Martin of Troy, who was on the Michigan sideline during the game, at the same end of the field where the hit took place. Martin said it was not clear to him whether trainers were advising Hoke regarding Morris' ankle injury or his head injury.

"I was within earshot of Hoke," said Martin, who was close to the action with a sideline pass. "I was right there and I heard everything. It is very possible that Hoke did not actually see his leg give out, but he heard it from assistant coaches and trainers. They were all screaming at him that Morris needed to get out.

"I don't think Hoke was malicious. I think he froze under the pressure and put that kid in harm's way. I think there was too much happening too fast for him to control. People were going absolutely nuts on the sidelines as soon as (Morris) took that hit."

He said it was clear to him that Morris had a head injury.

"He was like a boxer who gets knocked down," Martin said. "But he gets up and says, 'I'm all right, I'm all right.'"


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What folks forget is that no one player is bigger than Michigan football.

In four years Suga is gonna be gone, be that from graduation, transfer, or debilitating injury. But UM football will live on.

I am sure Hoke regrets the price Suga had to pay, but it was all for the great good of the Maize and BlowMe.
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Hoke was told by trainers to get Morris out of the game, according to Michael Martin of Troy, who was on the Michigan sideline during the game, at the same end of the field where the hit took place. Martin said it was not clear to him whether trainers were advising Hoke regarding Morris' ankle injury or his head injury.

"I was within earshot of Hoke," said Martin, who was close to the action with a sideline pass. "I was right there and I heard everything. It is very possible that Hoke did not actually see his leg give out, but he heard it from assistant coaches and trainers. They were all screaming at him that Morris needed to get out.

"I don't think Hoke was malicious. I think he froze under the pressure and put that kid in harm's way. I think there was too much happening too fast for him to control. People were going absolutely nuts on the sidelines as soon as (Morris) took that hit."

He said it was clear to him that Morris had a head injury.

"He was like a boxer who gets knocked down," Martin said. "But he gets up and says, 'I'm all right, I'm all right.'"


I'm not sure how any one parent of any of the kids on the team could trust Fat Boy's judgement with their child's safety at this point
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Sam Webb's comment makes me wonder who is the UM equivalent of OSU's Mark Pantoni? It's almost comical that the entire staff and athletic administration is holed up in Schembechler Hall and apparently so completely out of touch with the [Mark May] storm that had been brewing on every CFB blog, sports site, and Twitter for 36 hours that nobody had the sense to pull Hoke aside and go over some bullet points. Whoever their Pantoni is, that guy should've been fired yesterday.

I think the issue and "miscommunication" is that not everyone was willing to go with Hoke's blatant lies on Monday.
All indications so far is that Hoke had some cognizance of an injury, had the ability to call a timeout, and was never given the statements he claimed from medical.
My bet is that he tried to bluff his way through it, some players (esp medical?) refused to play along... by midnight Brandon saw where this was headed and switched tactics away from bluffing to damage control.
I have a hard time believing medical didn't give him the same info as Brandon in his letter, especially after the obvious lies he tried to get away with re:officiating etc.

TL;DR They're just incompetent liars.
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I think the issue and "miscommunication" is that not everyone was willing to go with Hoke's blatant lies on Monday.
All indications so far is that Hoke had some cognizance of an injury, had the ability to call a timeout, and was never given the statements he claimed from medical.
My bet is that he tried to bluff his way through it, some players (esp medical?) refused to play along... by midnight Brandon saw where this was headed and switched tactics away from bluffing to damage control.
I have a hard time believing medical didn't give him the same info as Brandon in his letter, especially after the obvious lies he tried to get away with re:officiating etc.

TL;DR They're just incompetent liars.
Meh, I don't know. I seriously doubt that Hoke thought the kid was concussed. He's likely a dope for that, but I doubt he was getting word that Morris was concussed and decided he wants him in there anyway. I mean, there was simply nothing for Hoke to gain by putting him in there in that situation, so I suspect that, somehow, he didn't know. That's not an excuse for putting him in there, but I really doubt Hoke wanted a concussed kid playing. Dude is a fool, not evil.
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SECEspin already going all in on this one.

Just showed a story on the "Unrest in Ann Arbor."

Apparently, the students decided to gather at the school president's crib and demonstrate.


ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- Students and fans flooded the front lawn of University of Michigan president Mark Schlissel's on-campus house Tuesday night, demanding the school get rid of athletic director Dave Brandon.

A few hundred protesters gathered at the school's nearby Diag -- a popular outdoor meeting place on campus -- at 6 p.m. and marched the short distance to the president's house a half-hour later. Craig Kaplan, an undergraduate senior, stood on the home's front steps and led chants with a bullhorn as the rally wound down shortly before 7 p.m.

"Michigan has a special place in my heart," said Kaplan, who played a role in organizing the protest. "The fact that it's been mismanaged like this hurts me deeply as a student, as a fan, just as a person that cares about this university. It makes me upset how students have been handled and how the culture at Michigan has changed."

And right on time, PBS shows the documentary on concussions in the NFL, lol
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I saw it live, and at first I didn't even think it warranted a flag. On a replay, it clearly did, and I'm still on the fence as to whether or not it warranted a "targeting" penalty. But, the kid wasn't being malicious. He was going for a big hit, got it, but hit Morris under the chinstrap instead of square in the chest.

Newsflash, football is a violent sport where its players assume an injury risk by playing it. I don't mean "fuck em" but... I'm not gonna get all weepy when a guy gets his leg broken or his knee blown out or even concussed. I don't wish for it, but it's not fucking news that it happens. And a player on the on the other end of the injury (the hitter, as it were) doesn't evidence malicious intent simply because he hit the guy.

I yield to the fact that you were there and you have the chance to see the whole play repeatedly and from different angles. I'm out of the country and working on the gif posted.

What I see is 55 lower his head - a play which is dangerous to himself as well as the person he hits - and then go airborne. I've never coached football - though I did pass Woody's course - but what Woody taught and what I have seen posted in more than a few locker rooms - is that you tackle "head up" because head down can lead to spine injury to the tackler as well as head to head contact with the other player.

IF you want to use penalties to reduce dangerous play, then it has to be something that has an impact. Throwing 55 out of a game that was already over is not going to cause him - or his coaches - to lose much sleep over his actions. Taking him out of the next game would get the attention of both player and staff.

I concede that this calls for making a judgement call on any such penalty based on where the game stands. C'est le guerre.

And while I'm at it, isn't this the kind of play in which replay should be used? I've got to think that a review of the kick off tackle and follow on by Michigan players in last year's game would have resulted in a much different distribution of penalties than what was allowed to take place.
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Still not buying the lack of communication story. Not even close. Jabba was lying, plain and simple.

I tend to agree that Hoke was lying, but I also tend to believe that the script was written for him. I also suspect that, as suggested above, Hoke is being hung out to dry.

If he's smart, he's saving every piece of email and recording every conversation. If he plays his cards right his salary to not coach at that school will dwarf Weis' salary to not coach at two schools.
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If you needed evidence he was being hung out to dry, just consider the claim that from Saturday to the Monday presser, Hoke & Dave had never talked. How would that possibly happen given the circumstances and the current state of affairs in media? And, how on earth would they find out on Sunday that the kid actually had a concussion, and never communicate that to Hoke before he walks into the lion's den of reporters? Are these people really that stupid? Or, is someone at the top a clever manipulator who already knew Hoke's days were numbered and used the opportunity to exacerbate the situation so they'd have even more justification for releasing him?
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If you needed evidence he was being hung out to dry, just consider the claim that from Saturday to the Monday presser, Hoke & Dave had never talked. How would that possibly happen given the circumstances and the current state of affairs in media? And, how on earth would they find out on Sunday that the kid actually had a concussion, and never communicate that to Hoke before he walks into the lion's den of reporters? Are these people really that stupid? Or, is someone at the top a clever manipulator who already knew Hoke's days were numbered and used the opportunity to exacerbate the situation so they'd have even more justification for releasing him?
So you raise the possibility that Hoke was telling the truth when he claimed ignorance on Morris' concussion status and said that he was held out because of the high ankle sprain. I still find this hard to swallow. I can't fathom that even a dope like Jabba wouldn't have asked medical staff about Morris' status on Sunday. So either they told him about the concussion and he lied, or the TSUN medical staff and administration lied to him on Sunday. Then he went another night and morning without being updated. This is one of those things where it would be good to know what he knew and when he knew it. I lean 90/10 towards the Hoke lied side of the equation.
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