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Bobby Bowden (dadgummit)

A few more details after the release of the report.


Florida State releases documents on cheating case

Other details in the transcript:

- Former academic adviser Brenda Monk, who resigned after being implicated, said one athlete she was accused of helping cheat had an IQ of 60 and couldn't read the test questions.

- Florida State President T.K. Wetherell told the committee the university was "embarrassed," but pointed out the school reported the violations itself and has cooperated with the NCAA. He also argued no coaches, boosters or donors were involved but blamed academics who failed to follow university policy.

- While several staffers were fired or resigned after the scandal broke, Wetherell said that doesn't include former Athletics Director Dave Hart. Wetherell said he told Hart several months before that his contract wouldn't be renewed but did not make that public at Hart's request.

- Florida State tracks how many athletes sign up for classes, which should have tipped officials to a dramatic increase in the music course, but that information never got passed up the chain of command.
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- Florida State President T.K. Wetherell told the committee the university was "embarrassed," but pointed out the school reported the violations itself and has cooperated with the NCAA. He also argued no coaches, boosters or donors were involved but blamed academics who failed to follow university policy.

Those damned academics. Always undermining the academic integrity of the institution they work at. It's such a good thing that those decent and noble football coaches found out about this an put a stop to it.

What a fucking joke of a university president.
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ORD_Buckeye;1568343; said:
Those damned academics. Always undermining the academic integrity of the institution they work at. It's such a good thing that those decent and noble football coaches found out about this an put a stop to it.

What a fucking joke of a university president.

When he insulted Samford University, from which Bobby Bowden graduated in 1953, by calling them a "dipshit school" a few months ago, perhaps he should have been talking about the institution that's had him as its university president.
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BB73;1568356; said:
When he insulted Samford University, from which Bobby Bowden graduated in 1953, by calling them a "dip[censored] school" a few months ago, perhaps he should have been talking about the institution that's had him as its university president.

Sorry, BB73. I agree with most of your posts, but not on this occasion. By official classification, a "dipshit school" would be several steps up from the university that had him as president. :)
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FSU tarnished far beyond sports
Lost amid the hand-wringing over whether Bobby Bowden should spend
another year as Florida State University's football coach is a far more
disturbing story. Documents from the NCAA's investigation into a 2007
cheating scandal reveal FSU's successful athletic programs came at the
price of academic integrity. Jim Smith, the chairman of the university's
board of trustees, should speak just as candidly about the Seminoles'
academic indifference as he has about Bowden's future.

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he's so senile...some of his comments tonight are just classics..."the only thing different about me now is my age. If I were still 59 this wouldn;t be a problem". LOL...Bobby, you once set a record for straight top 5 finishes...now you're lucky if you only lose 5 games.

And his haltime interview was a gem as always..."we had a big play called back, but it didn;t look like a penalty to me!!"...ya, you can't tackle a DB to set a pick..it's illegal. Thanks Bob. Hopefully we can get Amp Lee going in the second half....as bad as it gets we always have that electric Amp Lee (it's a running joke with running backs in the program, BTW...he calls his running backs Amp b/c he is senile and mistakes them for players he coached 25 years ago).
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Mickey Andrews, Bobbah's longtime DC, has announced that he will retire at the end of this year. This was suspected prior to this season, and their current 109th defensive ranking did nothing to change that.

If Bowden stays 1 more year, as expected, it makes the naming of a new DC awkward, with Jimbo Fisher sitting there as the head-coach-in-waiting.

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