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Bobby Bowden (dadgummit)

Hey Bobbah.... can you hear this?

Want me to turn it up?
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Wetherell issued a statement, stating that Jimbo wil be the next head coach, and that the program will be evaluated after the season. Jimbo is owed $5 million if he doesn't get the head job by January 2011, so there's a chance Bobby could coach 1 more year.

Below is part of T.K. Wetherell's statement. He mentions the position of A.D., but not the A.D.'s name. Keep in mind that Wetherll has resigned, and is only President until his replacement is in place.


Coach Bobby Bowden is a friend of mine, as a mentor and coach since my freshman year at FSU in 1963. His character and commitment to excellence has always been the signature of his career. Two years ago Coach Bowden and I and others stood together and announced that we were beginning a period of transition for the football program. That plan is in place and will produce results, given the opportunity and support.

I want to assure all fans, friends, supporters and alumni of Florida State University that that transition will be finalized. Jimbo Fisher will be Florida State University's next Head Football Coach. We expect to work with Coach Fisher on a contract toward that end, and I will evaluate the program with the athletics director at the end of this season.


I have spoken with numerous fans, alumni, Boosters, supporters and staff, and I will make a final report to the full Board of Trustees at the end of the year. Until then, FSU will concentrate on supporting our team and student-athletes in winning as many games as possible. Neither the university nor I will have further comment on this matter until then.
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Bobby talked this morning. Check out the location of WVU.

Bowden spent 10 seasons in Morgantown, and was never in a coaching position at Virginia Tech. Way to inspire some dadgum confidence.


Bobby Bowden reacted Wednesday morning to a statement from FSU president T.K. Wetherell. Wetherell said Bowden will be evaluated at the end of the season.

"I appreciate his support. I think he's wise," Bowden said of Wetherell during the ACC coaches conference call. "I'm very thankful."

"This dad gum team is so close to being 5-0. It ain't like we're getting crushed ... The last time I went through this I was in Blacksburg, West Virginia, 1974," he continued. "I was going through the same dad gum thing. My president and athletic director came in and said, 'Bobby we don't care what they say, you're the guy.'

That was actually in Morgantown, West Virginia when Bowden was at West Virginia.
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BB73;1559908; said:
Bobby talked this morning. Check out the location of WVU.

Bowden spent 10 seasons in Morgantown, and was never in a coaching position at Virginia Tech. Way to inspire some dadgum confidence.


Dadgummit! I think you're a missin' the point, Bobbah! They sayin' you ain't the man, dadgummit!
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Bobby's current contract is only through this season. Dadgummit do you really think they are going to give him another year? :biggrin:

Head Coach Bobby Bowden Signs One Year Contract
The 2009 season will be Bowden's 34th as head coach at Florida State.
Jan. 28, 2009
Florida State University announced today that football head coach Bobby Bowden has signed a one-year contract through January 4, 2010. The terms of the contract remain the same from his 2008 agreement where he was paid a salary just under $2.5 million.
Florida State University Official Athletic Site
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Former FSU players, fellow coaches rally to support Bobby Bowden

There is growing sentiment among program boosters and supporters for Bowden to
resign following this season, including FSU Board of Trustees Chairman Jim Smith.

On his Twitter page, Dockett wrote that Bowden should leave when he's ready and
that pushing him out would have consequences.

"If they fire Bowden, I will make sure no FSU alumni go back to visit EVER, no donations-
NOTHIING ... '' Dockett wrote.

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Gatorubet;1560339; said:
Former FSU players, fellow coaches rally to support Bobby Bowden

There is growing sentiment among program boosters and supporters for Bowden to
resign following this season, including FSU Board of Trustees Chairman Jim Smith.

On his Twitter page, Dockett wrote that Bowden should leave when he's ready and
that pushing him out would have consequences.

"If they fire Bowden, I will make sure no FSU alumni go back to visit EVER, no donations-
NOTHIING ... '' Dockett wrote.


:lol: Quite a soap opera going on there.
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My BB rant.

Besides communist leaders/dictators (or similliar positions where you have AK47 (lol)) name any other position besides college coach that the employee believes he has the right to leave when he wants too. In the meanwhile, completely disregarding little issues like poor performance, poor strategy, etc... as factors in whether you leave or stay.

Heck, there have been founders of companies forced out by board members even other family. But asking a college coach who actually doesn't really coach anymore to leave is somehow bad? Firing a proven coach shouldn't be an easy or quick decision for a university but it is just that a decision for the university.

Joe Pa and Bobby B act like they weren't hired and interviewed for a job but were somehow birthed to coach their teams. Some of these ego's, I tell ya..........
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lord vegas;1560505; said:
Besides communist leaders/dictators (or similliar positions where you have AK47 (lol)) name any other position besides college coach that the employee believes he has the right to leave when he wants too. In the meanwhile, completely disregarding little issues like poor performance, poor strategy, etc... as factors in whether you leave or stay.

Heck, there have been founders of companies forced out by board members even other family. But asking a college coach who actually doesn't really coach anymore to leave is somehow bad? Firing a proven coach shouldn't be an easy or quick decision for a university but it is just that a decision for the university.

Joe Pa and Bobby B act like they weren't hired and interviewed for a job but were somehow birthed to coach their teams. Some of these ego's, I tell ya..........

Uh, how about this one?....:biggrin:

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