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Bobby Bowden (dadgummit)


Appeals court: NCAA must open records in FSU case

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- A Florida appeals court has upheld a lower court ruling that the NCAA must release documents on Florida State's appeal of an academic cheating penalty.

The 1st District Court of Appeal upheld a circuit court decision Thursday.

The Associated Press and other media groups had sued, saying the NCAA's desire to keep the process private violated Florida open records laws.

The documents focus on Florida State's appeal of the NCAA's intention to strip coaches and athletes of wins in 10 sports.

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I would like to point out this fact - I know Mr. ubet will like it.

If you sort all 12 teams in the ACC by conference record, and then by overall record, FSU's 0-2 and 2-3 marks place them all alone in 12th place.

Well done, Bobbah.
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Drep88;1558248; said:
Florida papers calling for Bobby Bowden's head at Florida State - ESPN

Oh well, at least he gets 3 losses before this starts up. Tress gets 1 loss and gets pretty much the same.
Weren't they calling for Joe Pa's head a couple years ago as well? I understand there's a point when it's probably not in bad taste to question leadership change and it seems as though they've been planning for it. FSU press seems to have less patience than the university itself though.

Probably because they watch the success that Florida has been enjoying, and that Miami is starting to have again, while FSU has been stuck in a rut for years.
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Drep88;1558248; said:
Florida papers calling for Bobby Bowden's head at Florida State - ESPN

Oh well, at least he gets 3 losses before this starts up. Tress gets 1 loss and gets pretty much the same.

Year Wins Conf wins Bowl

2006 7-6-0 3-5 Emerald Bowl (W)

2007 7-6-0 4-4 Music City (L)

2008 9-4-0 5-3 Champ Sports (W)

2009 2-3 0-2 FSU is currently in 6th place in the Atlantic Division

tOSU played for the BCSNC in 06 and 07, and has won their conference championship every recent year that FSU hasn't. Last I checked, you guys are undefeated in conference play in 09, instead of a bowdenesque 0 and 2.

I think that the Noles have been pretty damn patient. We fired the Zooker in the middle of the season after the Miss State loss. Had they done that to Bobbah a few years ago they might have been able to stop the slide into the unranked "has been" territory. Now they are in the ranks of the second tier teams with athletes that can upset you, but not achieve sustained success. They might even pull of an upset on the Gators this year, given several poorly timed turnovers, but they won't win the ACC. They are the ACC version of Illinois.

As to Tress, you guys are just plain spoiled. :biggrin:
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We can laugh all we want. But he'll still be the coach until somebody in a position to make a change says otherwise. When that happens, this thread will get updated. Like it is now.


FSU trustees chair Jim Smith: 'I think enough is enough'

One of Florida State University?s most powerful alums said Sunday that this should be Bobby Bowden?s last season as the Seminoles? football coach.

Jim Smith, the chair of the university?s Board of Trustees and a 1962 graduate of FSU, also said it is time to eliminate any doubt about Jimbo Fisher?s role and responsibilities in the football program.

?My hope is frankly that we?ll go ahead, and if we have to, let the world know that this year will be the end of the Bowden Era,? said Smith, who has served as Secretary of State, Chief of Staff in the Governor?s Office and State Attorney General. ?? I do appreciate what he?s done for us, what he?s done for the program, what?s he done really for the state of Florida.

?But I think the record will show that the Seminole Nation has been more than patient. We have been in a decline not for a year or two or three but I think we?re coming up on seven or eight. I think enough is enough.?

Smith said the change in command should not come until after the season.
?We are dependent on the goodwill and the financial resources of thousands of people to make this program work effectively,? Smith said.

?And we don?t have any goodwill out there right now. ? People have had it.

?The Board of Trustees, and I think, the President ? we can?t ignore that. That?s a fact.?

Bowden said on Sunday he ?knows in the back of his mind? when he will retire. Bowden added that it will be a decision he will make after the season, and after meeting with Wetherell.

Smith confirmed that FSU President T.K. Wetherell and legal counsel Betty Steffens have been working in recent weeks on finalizing a head coaching contract for Fisher, the offensive coordinator who was named ?head coach in waiting? in 2007.

The Democrat has learned that a contract with Fisher would include a five-year term.

?The President intends to announce we?ve negotiated a contract with Coach Fisher,? Smith said.

The board of trustees is not involved in the matters of evaluating or approving contracts of FSU athletic staff. But Smith said that it would be accurate to say the group is encouraging Wetherell to move ahead with the Bowden succession plan, or at least a new contract for Fisher.

Wetherell announced his retirement in June, and the university is currently
searching for his successor.

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I fnid it odd that Athletic Director Randy Spetman is not even mentioned in that article discussing a new head football coach being put in place.

FSU President T. K. Wetherell, who has resigned but is still in place until his own replacement is in place, hired Spetman in February of 2008. But apparently Wetherell is handling the new contract for Jimbo Fisher to move up to the head coaching spot.
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Re: Bowden said on Sunday he ?knows in the back of his mind? when he will retire. Bowden added that it will be a decision he will make after the season, and after meeting with Wetherell.

Apparently Jim Smith has already made the decision for both of them.

I think Bowden can now see "the light at the end of his coaching career tunnel". Regardless of the outcome of Florida State's appeal of the NCAA finding that they forfiet 14 football games, the eventual winner of who is the Division 1A's winningest coach is:

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Oh crap...this just keeps getting better and better. :slappy:

TALLAHASSEE - Ann Bowden, wife of Florida State football coach Bobby Bowden,
told the Orlando Sentinel her husband has been betrayed by the chairman of the
school's board of trustees and other boosters as pressure builds on the Seminoles
legend to retire amid the program's worst start since 1983.

"I am angry," Ann Bowden said Monday. "I'm angry at some of our boosters that
Bobby has worked for and supported, raised money for. And he's been such a top
quality person, such great character and everything for this university. And for
them to turn their back on him like that -- I don't care if he is 80 years old . . ."

Bill, I feel for ya man....just not for your alma mater. :biggrin:

This is epic!

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Gatorubet;1559206; said:

Epic pic is epic! I hope this all continues and Bobby's career has a unhappy ending. The guy has been overrated for years, and little more than a figurehead for more than that. If you've ever been to one of their games, he tends to sit off to the side, not really following the action. Half the time I don't think he has a headset on. If you didn't know he was a coach, you'd think he was an assistant of some kind. Didn't deserve the '93 NC either.
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ulukinatme;1559269; said:
Epic pic is epic! I hope this all continues and Bobby's career has a unhappy ending. The guy has been overrated for years, and little more than a figurehead for more than that. If you've ever been to one of their games, he tends to sit off to the side, not really following the action. Half the time I don't think he has a headset on. If you didn't know he was a coach, you'd think he was an assistant of some kind. Didn't deserve the '93 NC either.

ND's finally won another bowl game since that season. You can move on now. :wink2:
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