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Bobby Bowden (dadgummit)

Gatorubet;1609103; said:
I think a lot of you don't realize how much Bowden put his own family's interests over that of Florida State over the years. He screwed FSU for years insisting that his incompetent son be the OC, not violating nepotism rules by a joke of a Chinese Wall having him report to someone other than the head coach. As their offensive production fell and fell and fell, he threatened to quit if his boy was not retained. Finally, instead of being fired for incompetency, Bobbah blackmailed the boosters into giving his son a half million in severance pay for being bad at what he did.

Anybody ever see any other OC get a reward for sucking and being let go?

As he grew more senile, he refused to do what was right for his program. It is not Bowden University, but FSU. For some time he has only had his own interests, and his family's interests at heart.

Edit: We need Bill to chime in on this.

It's been way overdue...I think those close to the program have known that for a very long time. All it has been about, say the last 5 years, is the career wins and beating out Joe Pa. The academic scandel has laid that to rest, so why continue with just over .500 win seasons if there is no end game?

The Jeff Bowden fiasco was a joke...as Gator pointed out, FSU boosters paid half a mil to make him go away. Keep in mind, Jeffy's contract was up that off-season. It's actually hard to wrap your head around...they paid Jeffy $500,000 to walk away and not accept an extension Bobby was going to give him. By the way, I wonder where Jeffy is today? I'm surprised nobody picked up that creative genious.

As a sidenote, for anyone who has had the pleasure of watching the Bobby Bowden call-in show, it is an absolute trainwreck. And I haven't watched in 4 years, but it can't be any better. Bobby often confuses current players with guys from the 1980's, and more often than not, just refers to players by jersey number as to not embarass himself. Gene Deckeroff (host of the show) has become masterful at not making Bobby look completly clueless....speculative on my part, but I truly think Bobby has had dementia over the years. I guess I never saw the point of having a man just stand on the sidelines, without a headset on, and let his coordinators do all the work, but then sit back and collect the wins.

It's time for a Head Coach on the sidelines...whether Jimbo is the right man remains to be seen, but I look forward to seeing someone who can actually follow the game be the true leader.
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I find it ironic that Jimbo Fisher also attended Samford (he was Division III Player of the Year as a QB there in 1987); since it means that lame-duck FSU President T. K. Wetherell will be replacing one coach from the educational intitution that earlier this year he called a "dipshit school" with someone else from that same "dipshit school".

But I'm happy since it allows me to not let that go. :biggrin:
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rocketman;1609424; said:
...I guess people in Tallahassee don't care but YOUR NEW HEAD COACH IS NAMED FREAKIN' JIMBO.

As someone who lives in Tallahassee, I can tell you they do care.

Someone named Jimbo is truly one of their own.

Columbus is a city with over a million people (metro-area anyway), many of whom wish it were bigger and more cosmopolitan.

Tallahassee is a town of a couple of hundred thousand (I would bet it's much less when the legislature and the schools are not in session), most of whom long for the good-ol'-days when it was much smaller.

It might be the capitol of Florida, but culturally it is squarely in southern Georgia. This fact is the only thing that gives FSU a chance. Football is king in the rural south and the importance placed on Seminole football by its remaining fans is on a level with anyone.

But I use the term "remaining fans" for a reason. Many of my neighbors have switched from following the Seminoles to following the Gators. Seriously. This is a small town; and the Seminoles no longer have a monopoly on its football fans.

Compared to what Ohio State fans are used to, this is a program with a smaller fan base, fewer alumni and vastly fewer wealthy alumni. And somewhere, they have to find the money for an indoor practice facility. They don't currently have one... at all.

Some of the fans here know very well that they are not in a position to get back to where they once were. Others are less grounded in reality. But the overwhelming majority of both groups like the fact that their new coach has a redneck name.
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One of the proud-2-B rednecks at work just forwarded the following to me:

Newsletter from Seminoles.com said:
Dear Seminoles fan,

Florida State Head Coach Bobby Bowden Announces Bowl Will Be His Last Game

TALLAHASSEE, FL -- Florida State University Head Football Coach Bobby Bowden announced Tuesday that the Seminoles' upcoming bowl game will be his last game. Bowden, who will complete his 34th season as coach at Florida State, will coach the Seminoles in the bowl game and finish his career as one of the winningest coaches in the history of major college football.

"The bowl game will be my last game as head football coach at Florida State," said Bowden. "It's been a great 34 seasons.

"I'd like to thank my wife Ann and my family for their love and support. There were a lot of nights when I was on the road and not at home at the dinner table. We all know that's part of it.

"I'd also like to thank the coaches and their families who helped build the program into something that is special. You can't have a successful program without players and we have been blessed to have young men who are winners both on and off the field. I want to thank them and their families for committing 4-5 years of their lives to me and to FSU.

"Finally, I'd like to thank the University and FSU fans who have supported the Florida State program. We've got one more game and I look forward to enjoying these next few weeks as the head football coach."

Bowden was named National Coach of the Year six times (1979, 1980, 1991, 1992, 1996 and 1999), and a national award presented by The Fellowship of Christian Athletes bears his name. He led Florida State to national championships in 1993 and again in 1999, the latter being the first team in the history of the Associated Press poll to go wire-to-wire ranked No. 1.

Wetherell, who will retire from the presidency of Florida State when his successor is installed as president -- perhaps within a few months -- said Bowden's "sterling personality and character" personified Florida State University.

"Bobby Bowden is not only one of the most outstanding college football coaches in history but also a great man who you would want as a mentor to your children," Wetherell said.

"Every true Seminole fan appreciates all that he has done in service to the university and all that he has accomplished for its football program -- two national championships, 12 ACC championships, 14 straight seasons among the Associated Press' Top Five, two Heisman Trophy winners and a Rhodes Scholar, induction into the College Football Hall of Fame -- but more than that, he has been an off-the-field mentor to so many young men looking to their future."

Wetherell, who was one of those young men, said he hopes Florida State's Athletics Department will plan a celebration and recognition for Bowden during next year's football season.

In his own tribute to Bowden, Wetherell said:

"Bobby Bowden has served as our head football coach and inspirational `friend-raiser' for more than 30 years. He led our football program to unprecedented success and established it among the nation's elite for many years. He set records of achievement on the field that will probably never be equaled.

"Bobby Bowden contributed in many ways to the overall success and advancement of a young and growing university, and the entire Bowden family is also a major part of this success story.

"I played for Bobby Bowden 45 years ago, when I was a young man, and he was an assistant coach under Bill Peterson.

"The bond between player and coach is strong enough, but our relationship forged even more powerful bonds as we worked hard for the university's advancement. With me and other presidents, Bobby Bowden helped raise public and private dollars to build some of the most impressive athletics facilities in the nation and to bring additional recognition to Florida State's academic achievements.

"Millions of Americans could see the good work and academic contributions of our university through the window of national television --a window that winning football teams provide for their institutions.

"Bobby Bowden, in many ways, became the face of Florida State. It was his sterling personality and character that personified this university. And because his influence was so powerful, we were able to advance far beyond what many of us ever dreamed."

About Bobby Bowden...

Born : November 8, 1929 in Birmingham, Ala.

High School : Woodlawn High, Birmingham, Ala.

College : Howard (now Samford) 1953

Collegiate Football Experience : University of Alabama (QB), freshman;
Howard (QB), sophomore-senior

Graduate Degree : Peabody College

Wife : The former Julia Ann Estock

Children : Robyn, Steve, Tommy, Terry, Ginger, Jeff

1977 Southern Independent Coach of the Year
1979 National Coach of the Year (ABC-Chevrolet)
1979 Southern Independent Coach of the Year
1980 National Coach of the Year (Bobby Dodd)
1983 Inducted - Florida Sports Hall of Fame
1986 Inducted - Alabama Sports Hall of Fame
1987 Region II Coach of the Year
1991 National Coach of the Year (Walter Camp)
1992 Neyland Trophy Winner
1993 ACC Coach of the Year
1996 National Coach of the Year (Home Depot)
1997 ACC Coach of the Year
1999 National Coach of the Year (Home Depot)
1999 National Coach of the Decade Finalist (Home Depot)
1999 ESPN College Team of the Decade (any sport)
2006 Inducted - National Football Foundation and College Football Hall of Fame
2008 NCFAA Contributions to College Football Award

? Second winningest coach in major college football history with 388 career coaching victories
? The only coach in the history of Division I-A football to compile 14 straight 10-win seasons (1987-2000)
? Coached the Seminoles to consensus National Championships in 1993 and 1999
? His 1999 National Championship team is the first in college football history to go wire-to-wire as the Associated Press' No. 1 ranked team
? Set NCAA records with 11 consecutive bowl victories (1985-95) and 14 straight bowl trips without a loss (1982-95)
? Ranks first among active coaches for winning percentage in bowl games and has led the Seminoles to 27 straight bowl games - the longest current streak in the nation
? Has guided FSU to 30 bowl appearances in 33 seasons, including 27 straight
? Since 1993, Florida State has played in the national championship game five times (1993 Orange vs. Nebraska, 1996 Sugar vs. Florida, 1998 Fiesta vs. Tennessee, 1999 Sugar vs. Virginia Tech, and 2000 Orange vs. Oklahoma)
? Since the inception of the BCS in 1998, FSU has reached one of the BCS bowl games six times
? Patriarch of the first father-son duo to lead Division I-A programs, let alone to lead them at the same time
? National Citizenship Award (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) named after Bobby Bowden in 2004

1954-55 Assistant Football Coach/Head Track Coach at Howard (now Samford)
1956-58 Head Football Coach and Athletic Director at South Georgia Junior College
1959-62 Head Football Coach at Samford College
1963-65 Assistant Coach (Receivers) at Florida State
1966-69 Offensive Coordinator at West Virginia
1970-75 Head Coach at West Virginia
1976- Head Coach at Florida State


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...and he got the following on his iPhone from the FSU Booster liaison office (official name redacted):

E-mail from Seminole Boosters said:
Statement from Seminole Boosters President:
A great many emotions flood the hearts of all good Seminoles today.
I had only been President of Seminole Boosters for a year when Bobby was hired as our head coach, and I like many thousands of our alumni grew up with him as our beloved coach.
We have known for many years that this day would eventually come?when Bobby would no longer be our head coach?and responsible leaders knew that plans needed to be in place for the inevitable post-Bowden era. Thanks to their insight, and to the great success of Coach Bowden?s teams over the last thirty four years, we have been able to build facilities and start an endowment that will help make that transition easier.
Before we take that first step into the post-Bowden era, one that we must take together, we need to express our heartfelt appreciation to a man who is an integral part of Florida State University?s heritage and tradition.
On behalf of all Seminole Booster members, thank you Coach Bowden.
Andy Miller, President
Seminole Boosters, Inc.

Florida State Head Coach Bobby Bowden Announces Bowl will be His Last Game
Dec. 1, 2009

TALLAHASSEE, FL ? Florida State University Head Football Coach Bobby Bowden announced Tuesday that the Seminoles? upcoming bowl game will be his last game. Bowden, who will complete his 34th season as coach at Florida State, will coach the Seminoles in the bowl game and finish his career as one of the winningest coaches in the history of major college football.
?The bowl game will be my last game as head football coach at Florida State,? said Bowden. ?It?s been a great 34 seasons."
?I?d like to thank my wife Ann and my family for their love and support. There were a lot of nights when I was on the road and not at home at the dinner table. We all know that?s part of it."
Read Full Story
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billmac91;1609450; said:
The Jeff Bowden fiasco was a joke...as Gator pointed out, FSU boosters paid half a mil to make him go away. Keep in mind, Jeffy's contract was up that off-season. It's actually hard to wrap your head around...they paid Jeffy $500,000 to walk away and not accept an extension Bobby was going to give him. By the way, I wonder where Jeffy is today? I'm surprised nobody picked up that creative genious.
He's the WR coach at N. Alabama for...Terry Bowden. Nepotism reigns supreme in the Bowden clan.
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Looks likely that Bobbah will get to have his last game be in the Gator Bowl. Apparently the Gator Bowl's agreement with the ACC allows them to select someone besides the CCG loser, if the desired team was 5-3 or 4-4 in the conference standings and there is no 6-2 team available. Since Va Tech is the only 6-2 team besides CCG participant Clemson, and VT seems destined for the Chick-Fil-A bowl, the Gator can select FSU, and that is their intention. And they hope to make WVU, Bowden's previous head coaching job, the opponent.


Gator Bowl free to select FSU, stage desired Bowden sendoff

The Gator Bowl and ACC both confirmed Wednesday that the Jacksonville, Fla., game is free to select 6-6 Florida State for its desired Bobby Bowden sendoff, provided the Chick-fil-A Bowl selects 9-3 Virginia Tech as expected.

Gator Bowl President Rick Catlett first announced Tuesday his intention to host the retiring legend for his final game, most likely against his old school, 8-3 West Virginia. Florida State has requested Bowden's last game be played in the state.

"The cool matchup would be to play coach Bowden against his former team," Catlett said Wednesday. "One of the interesting things we've found is that [Bowden's] streak of 27 straight bowl games started with Florida State over West Virginia in the 1982 Gator Bowl."

Initial confusion over the ACC's bowl selection rules made it unclear whether the Gator Bowl -- which has third choice of ACC teams behind the Orange and Chick-fil-A Bowls -- could pass up numerous league teams with better records. ACC rules state a bowl cannot select a participant that finished two or more games behind another available team in the league standings. Georgia Tech (7-1), Virginia Tech (6-2) and Clemson (6-2) all fit that bill when compared with the 4-4 Seminoles.

However, ACC spokesman Mike Finn confirmed Wednesday that the Gator Bowl signed an amended contract with the conference in 2006 that specifically states it is not required to select the ACC Championship Game loser, which this year will be either Georgia Tech or Clemson. Assuming the Hokies are off the board, and the Gator exercises that right in its contract, it is free to select any 5-3 or 4-4 team.

"If there isn't a team with a 6-2 record available, they can choose Florida State," said Finn. "It's a contractual issue."

Cont'd ...
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