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Bobby Bowden (dadgummit)

Gatorubet;1611245; said:
Florida State fails to speak after forcing out Bobby Bowden - Andy Staples - SI.com

FSU's President and AD getting crushed by both the local press and SI.


Probably should after inviting Bobby to the corporate bathroom.......

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Gatorubet;1611245; said:
Florida State fails to speak after forcing out Bobby Bowden - Andy Staples - SI.com

FSU's President and AD getting crushed by both the local press and SI.


FSU was supposed to talk? What is there to say? Is there anybody who doesn't know why Bowden won't be coaching that team anymore? I feel dirty for saying anything in defense of Free Shoes, but they don't owe anything to Andy Staples. They did owe something to Bobby Bowden, but didn't they square up on that years ago? I mean, there's a fucking statue of the man outside the stadium and got paid handsomely to do little to nothing for the last 10 years. Bobbah doesn't need some chickenshit administrator to say nice things about him on the way out.

By they way, if there's a statue of you on campus, you've passed the point where anybody needs to explain anything when you're gone. At that point you're on borrowed time.
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jlb1705;1611341; said:
FSU was supposed to talk? What is there to say? Is there anybody who doesn't know why Bowden won't be coaching that team anymore? I feel dirty for saying anything in defense of Free Shoes, but they don't owe anything to Andy Staples. They did owe something to Bobby Bowden, but didn't they square up on that years ago? I mean, there's a [censored]ing statue of the man outside the stadium and got paid handsomely to do little to nothing for the last 10 years. Bobbah doesn't need some chicken[censored] administrator to say nice things about him on the way out.

By they way, if there's a statue of you on campus, you've passed the point where anybody needs to explain anything when you're gone. At that point you're on borrowed time.

The sent Ponder and EJ to talk to the waiting mob of press and they ran away and refused to explain to the fans and alumni of FSU what the hell happened and what exactly, if any, was the future role of their HOF legned coach. You don't dump talking to a rabid mob of press about firing a legendary coach who has been with your University for thirty years on a college freshman QB, you are the damn AD for God's sake! Sack up and take the heat.

They did not need to say nice things, but at Warchant they are still fighting about why he was fired, if he was fired, if he resigned, what job was offered to him.
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Bucklion;1611449; said:
My guess is he'll get to 400 next year, then maybe decide it's time.

Two years of 8 wins will get him past Eddie Robinson's Division I record of 408, so I think JoePa will coach in 2011.
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Nothing to do with Bowden but I came across this FSU related rant on another board and about pissed myself laughing so hard I thought I'd share it.

You and all the other assholes on this site......take a gun, insert it in your mouth, pull the trigger.

I'm soooo tired of these pieces of trash taking up air and space in the Country I live in. Go grab your wife's XXXXL Florida St jersey and use it as a blanket tonight while you're sleeping in your trailer. December 3rd means your welfare check came a few days ago, so I can see you could afford to pay for your internet connection for the next few days. Your 18 posts and all.


The funny part was up to that point the conversation had nothing to do with FSU.
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Bobbah, congrats on the bowl win, the [strike] 389th [/strike] 375th of youir career.

The NCAA Infractions Comittee has upheld the sanctions in FSU's academic cheating scandal, which vacates 14 wins that Bowden had in 2006 and 2007.

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Re: The Infractions Appeals Committee, however, affirmed the findings in its report stating, ?After hearing argument and thoroughly reviewing the record, the Infractions Appeals Committee finds no basis on which to overturn the findings of the Committee on Infractions.?

No real surprise here at all. Especially when you have to appeal to the same people that made the initial ruling.
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BB73;1635153; said:
Bobbah, congrats on the bowl win, the [strike] 389th [/strike] 375th of youir career.

The NCAA Infractions Comittee has upheld the sanctions in FSU's academic cheating scandal, which vacates 14 wins that Bowden had in 2006 and 2007.

Fret not Bobbah there is always hope. (cough) Valpariso..(cough)
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BB73;1635153; said:
Bobbah, congrats on the bowl win, the [strike] 389th [/strike] 375th of youir career.

The NCAA Infractions Comittee has upheld the sanctions in FSU's academic cheating scandal, which vacates 14 wins that Bowden had in 2006 and 2007.


The most damning thing isn't that the wins were vacated, but that FSU had already fallen so far that nobody gives a shit.
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jlb1705;1635982; said:
The most damning thing isn't that the wins were vacated, but that FSU had already fallen so far that nobody gives a shit.
I do. They were vacated but not forfeited, so I have to keep hearing about those assholes' bowl streak and non-losing season streak that was only achieved by academic fraud that kept otherwise ineligible players eligible.

Slimy bastard. I hope Bobby soils himself in his fake rattan patio lounger while Anne bangs the pool boy in front of him, having hid his Hoverround key.
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