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Bitching about the 2004 Season

Michigan State? Are you kidding? Did you see the pasting they gave Minnesota today? Right now, if we can right the ship, we can beat Indiana...beyond that, I don't know...they're a 1-7 conference team if they play every game like they did today.
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All Buckeye leaves should be removed from everybody's helmets

and JT should only give them back if they win another game. You win as a team...you stink as a team.

could also be a symbolic move meaning "The season starts over again"
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Uh, yeah, I agree to an extent with this, but you can lead Pickett's Charge with all the valor and character in the world, and guess what's going to happen? If the gameplan sucks, and if the plays called don't fit the matchups, the kids can bust their asses and still get shellacked. This one is on the coaches.
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UGABuck said:
Yea, good point. Give Daniels some time without the micromanagement from JT.
The only way that would ever happen would be if JT was no longer the coach. I think as long as JT is running the show he is always going to micromanage, which also is the reason I think he only likes to hire his friends and family as Assitant Coaches.
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You nailed it bartender, I stated on another board that maybe Mrs. Tressel needs a job. There isn't a coach on his staff that can adjust a jock strap let alone make adjustments in the game. Whatever their game plan is when they start the game is what you see the whole game. When Mark D left for Cinn. the whole defense went out the window.
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I will be the first to argue that you can't rely solely on guru rankings when evaluating talent, but -

We currently have on the offensive side of the ball Tim Schafer, RJ Coleman, Stan White, and Roy Hall. All were rated four stars coming out of HS. All are in their third year in the program. Yet on this anemic, pathetic excuse for an offense - none of themn are even starting. Where is the development?
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I agree Tibs, actually had this conversation with several fans today.

It might be the symbolisim that makes them understand the shame they are bringing to something that was built by others. Right now they don't deserve to wear the uniform much less enjoy the Buckeye Leaf tradition.
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All joking aside, look at how bad this team is

This is how 4 star talent is developed at OSU under Tressel

NCAA Ranks as of 10/17

Total.......111 (only Arizona, Utah St, Miss State, New Mexico St, Marshall and Duke are worse)


TO Margin.....104
Net Punting....44
Pass Efficiency....92
Punt Return D....72
Kick return D......80

What we do halfway well
Punt Returns....17
Kickoff Return....17

It's the coaching plain and simple. There is no way you can convince me there are 70-80 or 100 teams out there with more talent than OSU.
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Jaxbuck said:
What we do halfway well
Punt Returns....17
Kickoff Return....17
Fire the entire staff except for Hazell, who will become the new Head Coach. Obviously he's getting his job done.

Isn't it sad that the thread starts with 'all joking aside, ' yet here I am making my usual bad attempts at humor?

I have an honest (semi-honest) question for everyone. Is it too late to switch blocking philosophy for this year? Most of our OL were brought up in 'basic' blocking schemes (find assignment-hit assignment-push assignment into turf). Give 'em a week against Indiana to work out the wrinkles and just go out and hit somebody. There's too much thinking going on, and not enough hitting (at least on the OL)

End of gripe. We now return you to your normally scheduled fan support.
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One thing JT has done is move the emphasis on leaves from individual performance to team performance. This is totally different than Woody's original concept - and I'm not sure I agree. Hell, I know I don't agree. It is classic liberal vs conservative ideology. Redshirt players are running around with leaves based on what others did.

I read a lot of comments from the playes about how they are letting the fans down, and the tradition down, and former players down. How about letting yourself down?

It is a team sport with team goals, but it starts with telling yourself that you are toing to get the job done - not hiding your own lack of performance behind a team failure.
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DA-Bucks said:
Herbie is where he is today because he can remain impartial in the national spotlight. So you're pissed off that he picked UM last year? Was he wrong? He picked OSU last week, iirc against the odds. Did you lambast him then?

Herbie is right, we ARE the biggest disappointment of the season, so far. If we don't win today 6-5 is damn near best case scenario. We *HAVE* to win today to salvage this season into something decent. If we perform today like we have all year, then we're in for EXACTLY what herbie says.

:rofl: Someone dinged me for this post. :boohoo: Looks like someone can't handle the truth. We're all upset about our team sucking so bad right now, but the blame doesn't fall on the analysts for calling it as they see it (which is accurate).
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All that I can say is wow. I will never turn my back on Ohio State football just because they aren't playing to the level that I expect them to. I never would have imagined that so many "DiHards" on this board would jump off the wagon so soon. Like I said last week, at least tickets will be easier to come by for the real fans.

One other thing. For all of those on this board that are off the wagon for this year and have Michigan tickets, please do not go to the game. Please give your tickets to someone who is a true Ohio State fan and one that will root for the Buckeyes instead of watch them just for something to bitch about.
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