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Bitching about the 2004 Season

Is this a rebuilding year or

a systematic coaching failure?

I expect it's a little of both. But I don't see JT actually making any changes.

I think we have a rebuilding year on the defensive side of the ball. However, I view the offesive issues as systematic failure. And that begins with JT. I would like to see him turn over the reigns to a dedicated OC and release Bollman in favor of a new OL coach.

That's for starters. I think we need another year to evaluate DT. And maybe we hire a QB coach as well.
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1. offensive coordinator
2. Talent on the o line
3. dump Tressel ball, its over
4. Find a quarterback that wont turn it over.
5. Defensive Coordinator
6. Finally, find a stud running back (like every top program has, see hart at Scum)
7. Get an offensive Identity.

The only thing I would disagree on his that the talent is okay it is coaching. It is not like we were the only team in the country recruiting these guys.
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I'm pissed. This is the worst team since 1988 and the most lobsided loss since PSU killed us in '94.

I agree with everything said so far. There has to be ALOT of changes. This is totally unexceptable guys. I am trying so hard to stay positive cause I've always been that way even in '88 and in '00 and '01 but there is nothing positive to say other than some players look like they will eventually become great players in the future and even then that may not be enough.

Maybe something will happen, I don't know. I'm in a lot of pain right now, that's all I know at the moment.

I almost forgot, Tressel needs to start YELLING at some people. You can't sit back and act all relaxed all the time and expect big things every week. Yell, coach, yell!
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Total coaching failure to develop the players.

There is not one facet of the offense performing at a Division I college level.


The offensive line has been shaky in recent years and now it is outright wretched. When the center and guard doubleteam a defensive tackle and ACTUALLY GET THROWN BACKWARD something is seriously wrong.

The receivers can't catch, won't go up for jump balls, and can't get open.

The quarterbacks are young, inexperienced and getting no help from their teammates.

Lydell Ross is the latest victim of Tim Spencer's "bulk them up till they can't run" regimen. At least Antonio Pittman won't be the newest cut-back runner bulked up in a misguided effort to make the next Eddie George. At least we hope not.

Joe and Schnittker get blown up on a consistent basis and only serve to plug up a hole on run blocking.

The players are young yes, but good young players make good plays and then screw up. This is not inconsistency, because they are bad almost every play. This is not youth - it is ineptitude. To put it mildly, the offensive players are not good. And it's the coaches' fault. All of these players were highly rated recruits (Mike Kne excluded), and while you can expect a certain number not to "pan out" what you see is an entire offense not developing, in fact regressing. So would you rather believe that for some ungodly reason these players aren't "getting it", or that there is a total failure among the coaching staff in development. Occam's Razor I think applies here.

I love JT and have defended him up and down on certain issues but the truth is there right on TV. This team's performance is an embarrassment, and it's not totally the kids' fault. They're trying the best they can, but this coaching staff is failing them and the team. It's a travesty.
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