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Bitching about the 2004 Season

Comon , your getting into this a little too hard. Greise comon ... No, I personally didn't like Greise. My only point is Herbstreet goes over the line. Just because others think he is a great impartial sportscaster. I don't .... is that so far out in left field ?? No ... there is no reason to make every effort to point out how terrible OSU is. I personally don't like the way he presents it. So I should be like Tibor and personally attack other peoples intellegence. I don't mind the experts pointing out the challenges of this team and that team but I do mind analyst being arrogant and not showing class about it. Why is it that one side of the arguement has all the answers and the oter side is all a bunch of ignorant jerks?
so because herbie was a buckeye QB...he shouldnt tell us how bad we are?

dude, we are bad.
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Why do people get so worked up over what Herbstreit says? I could give a shit less what the hell the guy thinks. I like Herbie but I don't take what he says serious. I don't obsess everytime he says something negative about the bucks.
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I have just a little right now because ihave never seen a offense like this. Well since I am a bengals fan I have. 4 weeks of this offense and then you see lesser teams move the ball on good teams and score and it makes you crazy. Also maybe I went to a high school game last night were the team moved the ball at will and scored 54 by 4 minutes into the third quater.
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I am frustrated and embarrased..

I love the buckeyes and this is terrible, its time for wholesale changes on the starting line up and especially the coaching staff...0-3 is unbelievable.

We need the following...

1. offensive coordinator
2. Talent on the o line
3. dump Tressel ball, its over
4. Find a quarterback that wont turn it over.
5. Defensive Coordinator
6. Finally, find a stud running back (like every top program has, see hart at Scum)
7. Get an offensive Identity.

This is so painful to say, but this team is regressing and not improving and I am dissapointed in Coach T and his staff, the talent they have on that team, they should at the least be competitive in the big ten this year, and for a so so Iowa offense to put up 24 on our D is just terrible.

I am going to go have a beer and look forward to basketball season....
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oh my god what a fuckin disaster. why in gods name with our best players on offense being the wide receivers we cant hit them for those wide out passes like EVERY team we play. for gods sake make some changes on offense. we cannot run and cannot run block so throw the ball to holmes or ginn or childress on EVERY play. we cannot do any worse. we will be lucky to not have a losing season. every offensive recruit in the country is gonna laugh at our recruiters and slam the door in the faces like they should. this is beyond embarassing.
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