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Bitching about the 2004 Season

I Sure as Hell Hope JT is learning a lesson....

anyone else in the conference will kick ohio states *&^^% ass and rub their &^%$$ noses in it to no end.....

this is what JT gets for being so "nice"......i hope to ^%%%$$ god we destroy kirk ferentz all over the &&*OI field next year.....i hate that m.fer.......
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tibor75 said:
Speak the truth that OSU sucks = get warned.

I believe he got warned because he got a little too personally nasty about a specific player, and did it by name. Trumpet OSU's shortcomings as long as anyone wants, as loud, etc., no problem. But we can't start personal attacks on players. They're Buckeyes, and no one guy out on that field is the source of our problems and frustrations.

Unfortunately, I'm as able from a tech standpoint as OSU is from an offensive standpoint -- and the warning system isn't yet working properly.
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