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Bitching about the 2004 Season

hotrodr123 said:
I think the lack of leadership is the main problem with the team. I just dont see anyone on the team showing themselves as a leader. Some one need to show some leadership.
There's a lot of underclassmen spoiled by winning - and two of the four captians are not in a position to take over a game (Nuge, Fox).
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Come Back Coack K........

i remember the days before you were uncerimoniously sent packing......

the days when our lines were strong on both sides of the ball....when players could hold onto the football when being tackled and when kickoff returners didnt completely run out of gas (the penalty doesnt count) at the opponents 45....

please come back coach k......
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Here is the thing I got from this... First I am GLAD TS got to get in there (though not happy JZ got hurt) so that hopefully much of the TS vs. JZ crap can stop... it isn't the QB, it STARTS with the O-Line... only one word works here, pathetic.

All in all there seems to be one common theme with this team, the are the SOFTEST tOSU team I have EVER seen... come on now, the o-line NEVER gets a surge.. hell, our saftey got ran over by a QB?!?!?

I think it all comes down to this, this team has no fire, no intestity, they are soft. Hence no holes by the o line, not much penetration by the d-line... aside from a few select players, we are weak...

That all said, I think I need to go back to the bathroom to resume puking, as sick as watching that game made me....
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