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Bitching about the 2004 Season

reality check

1. 2002 championship year we could of lost 3 or 4 games easy if ALL the breaks hadnt gone our way (remember dropped balls in cincy,miracles on 4th and long,mysterious flags, etc) everything went right or we would not have been in position to play for national championship. 2. our defense was good enough and did win us games even when offense struggled (remember games when o didnt even score and we won) 3. o line couldnt open up holes but we still were able to run the ball ONLY because mc could make somebody miss and make something out of nothing. 4. every team we played just killed us with the short outs and marched down the field but our defense was eventually able to make plays and bail us out with interceptions or stopping somebody inside the 20. 5. our offense never tried to run the plays that other teams killed us with (i.e the short outs, screens,mis-direction plays,tight ends over the middle, etc.) 5. coaching staff looks like geniouses because everybody is happy we are winning despite the fact that we are last in the nation in offense (or at least close to it) . NOW flash forward to 2004 1. we are not getting any breaks because nobody is making any of the big plays and nobody is putting any pressure on opposing teams offense or their co-ordinators. 2. our defense is good but young and they just arent forcing turnovers because they have no fire, even they are sick of watching the offense go 3 and out on every possesion. 4. every team still kills us on quick passes to wide receivers and make wide open catches for 20 yards on 3rd and 12 like clockwork because we refuse to give up on the soft zone (i guess this hasnt changed) 5. our offensive playbook is still tissue paper thin and doesnt challenge opposing teams one bit nor are we capable of getting the ball to the strength of our offense (i.e. throw the damn ball to ginn or bam or holmes on every play, shortouts and make the other teams make a tackle somewhere other than 2 yards behind our line of scrimmage), jt looks like a division III coach because we are not winning and the fans are unhappy. NOW flash forward to 2006. we continue by some miracle to still get defensive players but every offensive recruit in the country looks at our o-line and play calling and says no thanks. ohio state manages to loose a record 11 games by the identical scores of 3-0. fans are VERY unhappy. face it folks 3-8 for 2004 is a very distinct possibility.
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The system is broken

I am a life-long loyal Buckeye, and I will never turn on our school or the team. The reality is that this is the lowest that we've sunk in my 34 years of intensely following the team, and while we've certainly had our down years (see latter 1980s and 2000), and have certainly had our one game debacles (see UM 1991 and 1993), I've never been embarrassed or afraid to watch my team.
Objectively looking at this year in pre-season, I thought we'd see a 3 loss regular season with Wisconsin, Purdue, and tsun as roadblocks. I could live with that. Inexperienced talent will do that. However, what we've witnessed the past 3 weeks has little to do with talent or inexperience. Our young and not so young talent no longer knows which end is up, and they are totally confused and disoriented at this point.
We could blame the players and call for Smith, Pittman, Schlegal, Barton, Ginn, etc., but it's obvious to all knowledgable observers that none are the answers. Sure, youth hurts, but not this much. This is a failure of the system, pure and simple, from offensive approach to offensive line coaching to defensive scheming and lack of creativity. I feel for our players, as I feel they have been failed by their coaching staff. They have not recognized the deficiencies of the past 3 years, or have refused to address them. We were successful based on our talent, good close game coaching, and divine intervention. That won't cut it year in and year out.
I'm not here with answers, and I don't feel that our coaching staff as it now stands does either. This has been happening over 4 years, not 3 weeks, and it is big enough that it may take a couple more years to fix....if JT is willing to overhaul the staff and the system.

Forever a Buckeye, and I'll be in the Shoe next week cheeering my team on! Thanks for the forum to let it all out. Go Bucks!
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I really do love JT, but Nerk is dead on. He's gotta mix up the gameplan because what he's doing is obviously not getting the job done. I remember reading recently that Bollman doesn't use a sled in practice, and it shows. Our o'line stands straight up and gets no push whatsoever. I remember the days where OSU would just go up to the line and say stop us if you can, fire out and physically dominate opponents.

I don't want to hear any more were a young team excuses because even a young team shouldn't get blown out like we did against Iowa today. We just have too much talent to be losing and performing the way we are and it sickens me. Some of the blame of course does have to go on the players, but I put almost all of the blame on the way this coaching staff has coached this season.
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Not Watching the Game.....

I'm curious if i am alone or if others are also doing the same...

from 1973 through early-to-mid 2003 i made a day that revolved around watching....or in the old days listening....to the ohio state buckeyes football games...

somewhere around early-to-mid 2003 i became almost apathetic regarding the first 58 minutes of the game...knowing that the final minutes are the only reason to watch the game...

now...in 2004....i am now to the point that i (for the first time in my life) really could have cared less if i saw a game live when the bucks played wisconsin...i had something better to do....and today's game i only caught live in bits and pieces for the same reason....

the buckeyes for three years have been less than entertaining......and flat out either heart wrenching or annoying....

am i the only one that could care less if i see the indiana game...???
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the only games I'll see the rest of the year are PSU (b/c I have tickets) and scUM, until the 2nd quarter when we'll be down by 10 and of course out of the game.

If Purdue needs a win over us to beat out scUM, I hope they beat us.
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