Just to be clear (again), the issue isn't really about aesthetics. I mean, yeah, they're using little images I made for BP, and Lloyd did tell me that they used BP as a template down to the colors and hacks picked -- but that's not why we ended up with a thread like this. It's this;
We were assured that BII/SGN was going to compliment BP. In that it was going to offer things BP didn't, and not offer things BP does. It was going to be a standalone product, but focused purely on its purpose, which was to be providing insider information and access for subscribers.
Without warning, that approach changed. Somewhere along the line, someone decided that instead of just being that, they should be everything BP is as well. And that decision somehow ended up meaning that, not only would they replicate the diverse areas of discussion BP has, the broad range of forum topics, but they would also recreate BP functionally to the smallest detail. Apparently at first, the colors were exactly the same. So what you would have seen before Alan insisted they change grey to white, was an exact clone of BP, but with a different logo up top. Meaning that, short of having the actual posts and user database, it *was* BP.
So you have two issues converging at once.
(1) The stealthy and abrupt direction, focus and intention change from complimentary to competing, running contrary to extensive assertions it would never be that way.
(2) The absolute assimilation of BP aesthetically and functionally. Look, feel, language, approach, graphics, extras, etc.
The second issue is readily apparent to everyone, I mean, it's surface layer and easy to see. Which is why it gets so much attention in the responses. The first one is only readily apparent to those who have traded PMs on this issue for a few months going back. It's those who (appropriately, to be fair) feel very deceived and hurt. It's not because there's going to be competition, there's nothing wrong with that. It's about being ambushed with the reality that everything you've been told is no longer true. You're left wondering if it ever was to begin with, or at least why you weren't given some consideration if it was a recent shift in strategy. Those who are the most hurt by this, have been the ones who have really gone to bat and sacrificed to help things progress to the point that a new site was feasible.
Anyway, have those two issues converge at the exact same time, with no warning, and there's really no surprise that there needs to be a two-layer discussion. One public layer (here and on BII/SGN), one private layer (in the form of PMs between those most directly involved).
The purpose of both layers, one would hope, is to create an understanding between the parties. Both on what has happened, and what the expectations for the future are. Certainly it's also to do everything possible to avoid unnecessary hostilities and drama between the two camps.
I'm only spelling all this out so that all the different layers are cleanly exposed and discussed. It doesn't change anything else that's been said. I guess I'm just trying to reaffirm that it's about being open and promoting healthy dialog, and not about trying to create more problems.
Colors, software, functionality, verbage -- these are all pretty minor issues. If all of this was about such simple things, it would be pretty shortlived, as those are pretty petty things to get worked up about. Absolutely these things all factor in and compound the bigger problems, but in of themselves, they're not really a big deal. They're more symbolic than anything else, if that makes any sense.
Again, merely typing all this stuff out gives me pause, creates concern that rather than improving the situation, I might risk worsening it. I don't think that's the case, but it's something I'm trying to constantly weigh my words against lest I realize the concern.
Just appreciate that, as I try to explain and document it all openly within our family, I'm also trying to digest it all internally myself. I've re-read my initial post a few times, and have come away feeling that, in parts, it's almost bipolar. That gets back to the balance between trying to be objective, rational and open on one hand; and process some pretty unsettling and relatively hurtful truths on the other. I guess what I'm saying is, bear with me, bear with all of us -- and we can all move on sooner rather than later. Which is to say, no one should jump to any severe conclusions in one direction or another.
Lol, as much as I didn't know how to start this thread, I don't really know how to discuss it now. It's an odd balance of things, and had I more time and energy, I'd be really fascinated by the juggling process itself.
On a completely unrelated side note -- and only because I'm too worn out to start a new thread (how lame is that? lol), the new server will be in Arizona and online sometime next week.