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knapplc;1960560; said:
No question Bo wins.


That's what I thought. Regardless, Hoke is the first one out of the cage to set up Fitz vs. Pelini.
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jlb1705;1960575; said:
It was nice of them to add this little break for the media to sharpen their knives.

Really didn't press him a great deal on it. I'm pulling for Fick, his head has to be swimming....so much to do and he's never been head coach before. Supposedly JT commented that right now it's hard for Fick because 'he don't know what he don't know.'
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I am shocked that Fickell only fielded four or five questions about Tressel and the "scandal." Big XII media would have peppered him with questions non-stop. Definitely a much nicer tone to these meetings than what I'm used to.

I thought Fickell acquitted himself well. He seemed quite nervous to start, clearing his throat three or four times in the first minute, and he was sweating profusely up there, but aside from that he did a good job. He appeared to fit the role of a coach, albeit in his first year, of a big-time program. He answered everything forthrightly and directly, and he showed good mastery of coach-speak, which I hate but which is a necessary tool to have in your bag at times like this.

I have no idea what he'll with X's and O's on the field, but he handled this presser quite well.
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I've been impressed with a lot of what I've heard from Kevin Wilson since Indiana hired him, and his presser today is impressive too. Very engaging, positive, knowledgeable coach. The ceiling is only so high at Indiana, but he does seem like a guy that can turn the Hoosiers into a decent program at least.
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I was impressed with Kevin Wilson from Indiana. I think he can get them back to being competitive in a couple of years. I'm talking middle-of-the-pack of the B1G, not competing for titles, but that's a big step up from what they've been for several years.
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