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I laughed at that Socrates line. Only Paterno.

Now he's talking about how they haven't had any major violations over there. Let's just ignore the hundreds of player arrests that never seem to make big national news, I guess.
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JoePa is the very definition of a figurehead. The guy has no clue what's going on. He commits an NCAA violation by watching his players practice and doesn't even know about it until his assistants tell him, and he makes jokes about it afterward.

How many times in that presser did the reporter asking him a question have to stop and explain what he was asking, because Paterno had no clue?

The guy asking about the taunting rule had to give Joe a long explanation, and at the end all Joe says is, I don't know anything about that.
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Other than the fact he's an alumnus and has young kids, I still have no clue how Northwestern holds onto Pat Fitzgerald.

I've always been impressed with his appearances at Big Ten media day throughout the years.
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