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Cincinnatibuck;1960499; said:

No waiting around for TWC to get with it this time...


Silverman said that Time Warner Cable, DirecTV and Dish Network have committed to launching BTN2Go on the aforementioned platforms. "All three will be ready to go with BTN2Go," he said, noting that other affiliates are also in the huddle for the multiplatform service.
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Can't believe I'm sitting in my office with BTN.com on as background noise and waiting for Ron Zook to start speaking to kickoff the 2011 Big Ten Football Media Day.

Over/Under for questions for Coach Fickell on Coach Tressel should be set at like 10-12.

Go Bucks.
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If bored, a co-worker suggested to figure out who would win in a fight if the coaches were grouped in their respective pairs for Media Day:

Group 1: Bielema, Hope, Zook

...Bielema wins

Group 2: Fickell, JoePa, Wilson


Group 3: Fitz, Hoke, Pelini

...Death Match (no clue who wins)

Group 4: Dantonio, Ferentz, Kill

...No Clue (maybe Kill).
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CHU;1960549; said:
Group 3: Fitz, Hoke, Pelini

...Death Match (no clue who wins)

No question Bo wins.

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