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Was thinking that perhaps BTN should make a run at Ron Franklin for lead announcer for football (and other sports). Then I realize that it would probably still be Chris Martin beside him and that would be a wash.

Exchanges with Charissa Thompson would become more interesting.

Don't know how the Big Ten can have Gus Johnson for basketball and Eric Collins for football. Doesn't seem at all equal (Johnson > Collins). But this is Year 4, so maybe it'll improve.
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Year 4...maybe they'll end their pissing match with my cable company and I'll actually be able to get it, someday. All I've gotten out of BTN are fewer football and basketball games than I had before it, and I live in Ohio. :pissed:

(Before anyone suggests it, satellite isn't an option at this point)
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Jake;1860717; said:
Year 4...maybe they'll end their [censored]ing match with my cable company and I'll actually be able to get it, someday. All I've gotten out of BTN are fewer football and basketball games than I had before it, and I live in Ohio. :pissed:

(Before anyone suggests it, satellite isn't an option at this point)

What Polack cable company do you have that has this penis envy with BTN? That's unreal.
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CHU;1860703; said:
Was thinking that perhaps BTN should make a run at Ron Franklin for lead announcer for football (and other sports). Then I realize that it would probably still be Chris Martin beside him and that would be a wash.

Exchanges with Charissa Thompson would become more interesting.
Let me be blunt about this.

Anything that would lead to Charissa Thompson being anything less than 100% enthusiastic about continuing to broadcast via BTN would not be welcomed by the MaxBuck household.

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MaxBuck;1860773; said:
Let me be blunt about this.

Anything that would lead to Charissa Thompson being anything less than 100% enthusiastic about continuing to broadcast via BTN would not be welcomed by the MaxBuck household.

Agree completely, she has obvious talents, I look forward to seeing her on the sidelines in Miami next year, where it is a bit warmer :biggrin:
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New Logo

New logo for the Big Ten Network (or BTN, I guess)


New website domain of BTN.com too.

Big Ten Network President Mark Silverman said the changes reflect the network?s evolution and direction. The logo also offers greater flexibility for multiple applications, including creating school-specific BTN logos using school colors (available for download at bit.ly/btn-logodownload).
?Fans, viewers, media and our colleagues have already naturally gravitated toward the BTN name in recent years. It makes sense to adopt it,? Silverman said. ?These changes are a logical step in our evolution, and give us an umbrella under which we can launch other businesses across digital platforms during our next phase of growth and development.?
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Illinois swimming in pool of money after Big Ten Network check

The Fighting Illini will rake in a whopping $22.6 million from the Big Ten. Nearly $8 million of that sum comes from revenue from the Big Ten Network.

That $8 million — $7.9 million to be exact — is also a 21 percent increase from the $6.5 million Illinois received from the network last year.

...$16.6 million of Illinois’ $22.6 million check comes from television rights, meaning the Big Ten Network — the conference’s second-tier rights supplier — has matched ESPN/ABC’s $8.2 million in just four years of existence.

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My local paper ran a story on that today. Posted a link here somewhere but I'm too lazy to find it. The gist of it was that the Big Ten gave its members more moolah than the Big XII or the SEC last year.
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Dryden;1956504; said:
It's really not that big a financial boost. $4 million of Illinois' $8 million kickback from the BTN is to be paid in monthly installments of free Velveta cheese and Ro*Tel queso mix.

Add a pound of hamburger and a bag of Doritos to that and that used to be a meal I'd eat in college.
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